Female 81 years old Ann Arbor, Michigan United States
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Profile Views: 6266
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09/13/2021 10:37:14 |
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All Kind, except the really weird things, & ones that have to much offensive material
50"s & some 60"s. Country, soft music & some Kenny G"s
My favorite reading is mysteries & historical novels based on truth, of days gone by. The settling of our country, the civil war time & settling the west.
Now that's a good question There's lots of them, but I can say chocolate is among them. LOL
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
Born on the 13thYou are wise beyond your years. Your friends turn to you whenever they need any advice. You care for the people close to your heart. You are a very good motivator. You work very well in teams and are a team-player. You don't hold back your feelings and are very expressive in love and romance.
What about me?? I'm easy going & love people. I'm generally a happy person. I'm 72 years old. I'm a wife, mother, grandmother of 2 grand daughters & 1 great grandson, 9 years old. I worked as a waitress, beautician & in retail, until my husband retired from Ford's in 1995. We traveled to Texas for 4 years in our RV, for the winter. We gave that up in favor of staying put. We have traveled other places, but it's been by air, or driving our car. A lot less hassles. I was born in Vincennes, Indiana & moved to Mi. in 1964, when I got married. I call my self a Michiana. I enjoy my family, my home, my computer!! I love my God, my country & my family. I've been into genealogy for about 10 years & enjoy it very much. I've even connected with 2nd-3rd cousins, etc. I enjoy the company of many people, but only have 2 best friends, one I share all my concerns with & vice a versa. I also enjoy my own company. I like to read, but lately, haven't had much time for that. I am on My Space & facebook, Stop by & see me there..
Anyway, that's who I am. I am who I am & those who don't like me for that, are a waste of my time
Our grand daughter, Moriah. Austin's mom
 imikimi - Customize Your World!
Our grand daughter, Rachael
 imikimi - Customize Your World!
48103 Weather Forecast
People who smile a lot & have a happy outlook about life. I love children, even teenagers. They can be a lot of fun. I show respect to them, & in return I get respect from them. I love the feel of a good breeze on my face & sun shiny days. I like the smell of rain in the air.
Hateful, spiteful people, with a negative look about everything. They can bring the worst out in me if I allow it. I prefer not to be around them, but I have some in my family. I'm not fond of winter & cold gray days. I don't like dirty movies & foul language. I don't like liver & onions.
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