a little about me
Female 86 years old Hobart Australia
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 914
[ 32 ]
Christian - other |
03/30/2009 21:28:30 |
I have a few special ones, "Sliding Doors" Pretty Woman" "Robin Hood...Men in Tights" "Horse Whisperer, "Grease", Dirty Dancing, Dancing with Wolves,Barb Wire Fence,i like English Comedy.
I like all music,I like Micheal Buble, Barbara Striesand, The Corrs, Silver Chair, Mariah Carey, Darren Hayes, John Farnham, Anthony Callea,Human Nature, Andrea Bocelli, Celine Dion,Shania Twain,Just to name a few.
I have just finished reading "My Steve" by Terri Irwin, enjoyable. Nicholas Sparks, "The Notebook.
Catherine Barry's book "Null and Void" very interesting, I am about to start Elizabeth Edmondson's "The Villa in Italy. An irresistible invitaion to a magical place.
I love all blues, purples, oranges,rust,lime greens, beiges
I love the rainbows
YUMMY! chocolate cake, icecream, a nice sunday roast. Pizzas, Hot chocolate, Licorice, Marshmallows, and Meringues.
I enjoyed my childhood, married and had three children who are all grown up with families of their own. I worked most of my married life. I like to keep young at heart. Like drives in the country, stopping off somewhere for a country pub meal, Picnics. Taking my dog for a walk.
Love doing jigsaws, reading, Gardening, love flowers, nicegreen lawns, love dogs and babies, There are two little ones in my family and there will be two more by September, Hooray!! I love shopping, shoes clothes, perfume jewellery mmmm diamonds, gold and silver.
Dont like cheats,dont like people who think they are better then you are,dont like people that are cruel to animals,dont like the winter months, too cold.
Like doing jigsaws, I have a new hobbie on the begin list, lace motifs, glued to glass bottles, very effective. wasting time on this computor!, enjoy emailing my friends.Crosswords, Sudoku, now they are something else.