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As Time Goes By
Posted On 03/25/2013 13:34:11 by oldblueeyes99
This morning as I was getting ready to go to the store for a few items , I was doing a quick brush over of my silver tresses and thought...oh, my, time to call the hairdresser for an appointment. The ends are all frayed and sticking up and just not nice to look at. So, off to the supermarket I went and as I went in a little old lady passed me and went to the vegetable department and tried to get some sort of packaged lettuce from a hight shelf.  At once I noticed her hair and honestly...it... Read More

Hill Security worries
Posted On 03/24/2013 20:41:33 by salfordian2
Hello all members of the Hill,
I just checked this out to be sure.
Anyone with internet access can read the blogs, however, only members of the Hill can access General Chit Chat and members pages, unless of course a member has made their page accessible only to people on their friends list. It seems the public groups can also be viewed by none members. There isn't any website on the internet 100% safe and this includes government web sites so please be aware of this when posting private in... Read More

Posted On 03/22/2013 15:53:56 by oldblueeyes99
   One of my old sayings that I like is "If it ain't broke don't fix it". Comes in handy for lots of things. Today I have directed it at Photobucket. Did they really think it needed fixing? I have been comfortable with it for quite a long time. I pay a yearly fee to use the sight and now it has me sitting here wondering if I'll ever get the hang of it. Number one it is very slow. I can figure out some of the changes but for instance I cannot find how to delete or move photo's. It... Read More

White Stuff
Posted On 03/21/2013 15:58:13 by oldblueeyes99
That's a picture of Mother Nature and it would appear that she has fallen asleep instead of taking care of business. Spring is for flowers not snow...and here on coastal Mass. we are going to get around 5" of snow starting right now. I can see it out the window coming down in big flakes. I mean, I don't have to shovel any snow and wouldn't at my age but I know those who can are getting weary. Plus I don't drive in this weather so I guess I can plan on being in the house...still....for a fe... Read More

Posted On 03/20/2013 21:01:54 by BcoolNgreat
I think it is a problem that we all have. Why does weed grow better than the plants that we take care so much about and fuss about: spray, fertilise, water or sing to them, they will wither for the slightest strong rays of the sun and die at the first shower. But the weed, it thrives! No special care and there it is mocking at  you from every nook and corner and occupying the best part of the flower bed or the vege patch, No slungs, caterpillars or any other insect to harm them.
You remo... Read More

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