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Viewing 51 - 55 out of 1340 Blogs.
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I am a voracious reader!
Posted On 10/02/2022 20:59:02 by Altara33606
I remember reading in junior high school--seventh grade. I was at the public library so often that they 'amended' the rules for "children" to let me take out the same amount of books that an adult was allowed! I'd take out a stack books and return them, after reading, within a few days! 
The first  science fiction book I remember reading was Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank. It was the story of a  small town's inhabitants and how they 'survived' a nuclear  war.  Actually,... Read More

Welcome Fall
Posted On 09/22/2022 21:06:16 by momtocam
So today (as I’m penning this writing), it is the official first day of my favorite season. Fall, I am in awe of your arrival. The summer was too long, too warm, and well, you get the picture.
... Read More

Remembering Fried Potatoes & Corn Bread
Posted On 09/11/2022 10:08:06 by Altara33606
I just saw something on Facebook about 'what goes with corn bread'. Well, boy did that bring back memories! One of my grandmothers fixed corn bread, fried potatoes and hamburgers quite often when we visited. That was one of my favorite meals.  I can almost 'taste' that, as I talk about it. 
However, 'now', I don't dare have all of that at one sitting! An ironic note: only a few hours before I got the call from my doctor, telling me he was putting me on a med to lower my 'bad' chole... Read More

How Did That Happen?
Posted On 09/02/2022 19:54:35 by yourchoice
It seems a though there was a time when, if we were to retire, we would have lots of free time. Wrong! In our situation, the days don’t seem to be long enough, and a ‘short afternoon nap’ takes a big chuck out of my day. I still have morning chores to complete and it’s now almost 3 p.m. How did that happen? For those of you who have followed me in the past, I’m here to report that my husband and I are still on the top side of the grass, and ever so grateful for each day that we are a... Read More

Summer is winding down~
Posted On 08/19/2022 20:27:39 by momtocam
Our garden is done for the season. The kids have returned to school. I’m catching up on local football game schedules. Cooler temps have snuck in (yay), but what I’m  most intrigued by is that I finally get to start marking down the days till our weekend getaway to Gatlinburg. It was planned several months ago. I blinked once, and it truly seems like yesterday I was pushing my toes in the sand at Garden City. The least favorite season of mine has been a blur.

The birds are beginn... Read More

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