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Viewing 56 - 60 out of 1340 Blogs.
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Posted On 08/15/2022 12:03:26 by merchandiser
TOMBSTONE RIP-OFFFederal authorities are investigating the alleged rip-off charges by a juvenile gang in Tombstone, Arizona known as the Clantonite Tykes Their misleading signage only allows for just one ounce of diluted lemonade without a cup (which is an additional 50 cents) ,and each additional ounce is another 25 cents. The Clantonite Tykes have deposited an incredible total of over 1.6 million dollars in the past two summers ,most of the money in pennies in overseas untraceable Swiss ... Read More

Posted On 08/14/2022 08:40:01 by Altara33606
As I said in a recent Poll, I do remember most of my dreams. And yes, I often dream in 'color'.  If you did, you'd remember that for sure! Or at least, that's my opinion. My mom used to say she never dreamed; we now know that 'everyone' dreams; but you may not 'remember' the dreams. According to science, you actually need REM sleep--the sleep state where you dream. And I recently read where you can actually dram when not in 'REM' state. 

For many years I've awakened at least onc... Read More

Accident prone or Munchausen Syndrome? Part 2
Posted On 08/14/2022 01:06:47 by azjudy
Accident prone or Munchausen Syndrome 23 years later. 
I was going through my past blog writings for the Hill and came upon this one. Figured an update to “an oldie but cute blog” was due. Well, Sorry to say, “Judy’s Syndrome”  never made it into the medical books. Here is an update of the mishaps of Judy that lead to the "Accident prone or Munchausen Syndrome" blogHave had plenty of falls and pokes in the eye along with scratches in the 20+ years... Read More

Posted On 08/13/2022 14:40:17 by merchandiser
Who knew? Specially trained species of giant cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) are now being employed by Amazon to work as chauffeurs for some of the top executives across America.
The cockroaches heightened sense of motion and visual acumen make them the perfect species behind the wheel . They never require a tip and can open and close 4 car doors while never leaving their seat. So hat's off to the new breed of drivers.
Watch out Oddjob.... Read More

Touch of Greece
Posted On 08/10/2022 08:41:45 by LadyLynne

Treading carefully on a secluded pebbled beachJust my thoughts and meBeckoning rock invites me to sit a whileTo absorb the beauty of the blue Aegean Sea
Warmth from the sun encompasses my bodyThrough an almost cloudless skyDaydream interupted only by a gentle breezeOr an occasional sea bird soaring high
Gazing into the distanceAs far as the eyes can seeSun dances reflectively on the waterWith the coast of Turkey winking back at me
~Lynne~... Read More

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