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Viewing 71 - 75 out of 1341 Blogs.
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Have you seen Mayberry Man?
Posted On 06/24/2022 18:48:03 by momtocam
Life growing up in the 60’s and 70’s was quite unique. More often than ever, I find myself reminiscing about the good old days. There was a lot of fun, family based television shows to choose from. Fast forward to current times, my television isn’t even on unless the hubby is home. I prefer the quiet solitude of silence … or reading a good book.
A few days ago my twin sister shared with me her discovery of a movie that was apparently released last year. It is now available on Amazon P... Read More

Work Ethic....memories shared
Posted On 06/17/2022 20:00:29 by Tarlia

[picture of the ABC studios where my father worked.... a scene showing some musicians, in his working day, they were working on a score! - I once was introduced to Ms Helen Reddy there...when she was busy recording for the ABC orchestra that day... I was in pigtails at the time! lol]
I have the most vivid memories of my [late] father dressed as fin... Read More

A Diamond Jubilee
Posted On 06/11/2022 14:46:46 by yourchoice
For me, last week was quite a week of celebration. It wasn’t a personal celebration, but a global recognition of Elizabeth, the reigning queen of Britain and the Commonwealth. Can you imagine that it is seventy years of commitment to a life of service that began at a very young age when her father died in February 1952, Elizabeth—then 25 years old—became queen regnant of seven independent Commonwealth countries: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan, an... Read More

Juno and AOL email
Posted On 06/06/2022 11:57:33 by Altara33606
In cleaning out some files, I found a list of my 'first' email address and contact list. I had completely forgotten about this: juno.com   
  Apparently, it's still around--but no longer 'free' and I guess it was mainly used when we all had 'dial-up' internet. I'm not sure now 'who' would use it.

That also reminded me that some of my first online friends used AOL.  So I did quick search: yes, that one is also still around. It's now 'free'.  However, most... Read More

Let me count the reasons I dislike summer-
Posted On 06/03/2022 21:25:09 by momtocam

When I was a kid, summer days couldn’t come soon enough. School bells had rung their last time (for a while). It was also a reminder the ice cream truck would soon be arriving on our street..same time every day. I remember the many summer days spent at my grandmother’s house. Those days were mainly spent outside. It didn’t really seem to bother me being outdoors. Fast forward to current time…I now digress with even the mere mention of the word summer.
The first two things I truly... Read More

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