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Viewing 76 - 80 out of 1339 Blogs.
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Thoughts on paramedics, EMTs, etc.
Posted On 05/25/2022 11:25:46 by Altara33606
I've been watching reruns of a favorite old tv show: Emergency. The two main characters are firefighters who are paramedics. I started wondering what happened to paramedics once ambulances started carrying EMTs. Are they still around, or did they just go back to being 'plain' firefighters? 
That made me wonder: what's the difference between paramedics amd EMTs.  So I looked it up. It apparently is how much training they get. What surprised me is that one article I read se... Read More

We've Done It ... And We're Still Here!
Posted On 05/17/2022 11:56:05 by yourchoice
Warning: this is a long one!!!Some of us had been planning and anticipating the 61st anniversary of our graduation from nursing school. The second weekend of April 2022 finally arrived and it was even better than what we were expecting. Whoever thought we were getting too old to have a party just don’t know any nurses! We’ve had a lot of practice!We were able to check into the hotel on Friday afternoon, and Marj., one of our classmates, did a wonderful job of booking the suite on the 12... Read More

The Golden Rules of Life
Posted On 05/15/2022 09:42:20 by momtocam
Throughout our time here on earth, we see signs in various forms. They direct us to where we need to go, other times… we simply navigate our way as best we can…hoping to abide by the rules (signs) that quite often share the road with us.
Two weeks ago, the hubby, myself, and our sweet dog Dixie were on vacation at the beach in Garden City. Throughout our time there, I couldn’t help but notice the signs everywhere. They welcomed us here as we arrived at our vacation destination. Other si... Read More

An old blog, 'retro'!
Posted On 04/29/2022 19:36:56 by Tarlia
    Once upon a time…. When the world was young, and so were we…. The family packed up everything in sight, and moved to the coast! I was about 10 at the time. It was the most exciting thing you could imagine.  Going from a small house and shifting to a large, 4 bedroom home, with a huge glassed in front veranda, and the breakfast room at the back of the house, with a 360 glass in surround, so that you could see forever outside.  The yard itself was small e... Read More

Different names--in different areas
Posted On 04/26/2022 09:58:15 by Altara33606
I just saw this on Facebook. My answers seemed 'normal'--and they are, for the Midwest, at least. I was surprised to see that people from the South--and New York city--use totally different names for these common items. I'm interested in seeing what everyone here 'calls' these items; I'll post my answers after the photo: My answers were: Grocery/shopping cart, BackPack, Soft Drink. Other names were: 'buggy', soda/coke/pop

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