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Viewing 851 - 855 out of 1340 Blogs.
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Posted On 11/28/2014 04:41:49 by emom101
Paula Meems RiceJust now ยท Thank you so much.
For the first time in many years, I heard something on the TV that shocked
the hell out of me! At 0500 hours, I heard Fox playing our National
Anthem...I looked at the screen and saw our flag flying high! WAY TO GO FOX!!!!!! I am so proud of you. It would be fantastic if you
could do like we did in the past...play it daily... please? I know time is
a lot of money but I DO believe that it would help pull our country... Read More

We're prepared ... and having fun!
Posted On 11/24/2014 21:20:45 by yourchoice
I've been on a learning curve this past weekend, and I decided that I would put together a video (without music) that I could upload to YouTube, and try out the tip I read in a Group here on The Hill. The tool that I learned about is online, and it creates embedded code that can be copied and pasted on a website or blog. That sounds like fun.  Here is the link:http://www.tools4noobs.com/online_tools/youtube_xhtml / I posted a music video on my page, and I also wanted to try a personal... Read More

Christmas Tree
Posted On 11/23/2014 14:05:53 by Country_camper
Do you have a live tree? Do you have a artfical? Do you have certain place the tree goes every year? Do you like one color lights or do you put tri colored lights on? Do you have a theme each year? Do you put up more than one tree? Do you decorate outside also?  ... Read More

Posted On 11/22/2014 15:07:16 by emom101
2014*11*22 Saturday EMOM'S MOUNTAIN NEWS

Welcome home, dear hearts, welcome home!  Help yourselves in the kitchen and then come on outside and sit in the partial sun for a bit!  Great day!

Have I ever mentioned I have a strange way of living life??? Asking the same question of you... lolol  Have you ever done something you know better to do and then do it anyway?  Sheesh!  Sometimes I think I need a keeper! (Back to this in a minute, the keeper thingy)
... Read More

Posted On 11/18/2014 15:03:12 by emom101
2014*11*18 Tuesday EMOM'S MOUNTAIN NEWS

Welcome home, dear hearts, welcome home!  Got a bunch of White Castles at the store last week (?) Not just sure when... Tear open wrap, heat on high for 40 secs and chow down.  Now, before I forget... The mind is surely going...(SHUT UP MARV!) 

Went out front the other day... beautiful day.. sat on the rocker two seater for a bit.  Heard one of my flyg/g's up there.  Spotted it finally..started waving and I GOT FLASH... Read More

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