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BLOGS: A blog, simply put, is something you have written, or written about.

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Viewing 866 - 870 out of 1340 Blogs.
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If you don't like the weather ...
Posted On 11/01/2014 18:39:40 by yourchoice
There is a saying in our area ... "If you don't like the weather, wait for five minutes!" This took a bit longer, but I thought I would show you what has happened in less than 24 hours. This photo was taken yesterday by our son, and posted on Facebook. He lives closer to the city than we do, but it is the same river valley that we enjoy from our home. His comment was, "To celebrate Halloween, several of my friends and I dressed as golfers and played 18 holes."    About 24 hours later... Read More

Posted On 11/01/2014 11:44:54 by emom101
2014*11*01 Saturday EMOM'S MOUNTAIN NEWS 0900 HRS

Welcome home, dear hearts, welcome home.  GIT YOUR BUNS IN HERE! RIGHT NOW!!!! Sheesh!  Get over there near the electric stove  but grab a coffee mug first...coffee or tea??? Man! Is it nasty cold out there today or what??  Snow, freezing rain, lots of wind overnite.  Now I have a finish strip on the back porch flapping in the wind.  Any volunteers wanting to hang over the porch roof to drive a few nails??????... Read More

Posted On 10/31/2014 06:07:30 by emom101
Friday - 2014-10-31  Emom's Mountain News 0500 hours

Welcome home, dear hearts, welcome home!  Get your buns in here out of the cold - 32 degrees out there and looks like some frost might be gathering. It's getting to that time of the year where I need to stock up on the goodies and edibles... Goodies come first you notice??? lolol  And pop... ice cream.. Always have plenty of coffee stacked away.  Chocolate, pop and coffee and I Will survive.

Let's see here...... Read More

my little tribute to brave people
Posted On 10/31/2014 03:11:08 by salfordian2
Our SoldiersThey serve our needs, protect our shores
Ready for action to face the hoards
Those hoards who threaten our way of life
Cause all the nations trouble and strifeMost have families, husbands or wives
Many have children they’ve left behind
To assure these families will survive
These wonderful people risk their livesThought of death are pushed aside
All dangers taken in their stride
The ultimate price that some will pay
Breaks hearts of families every daySome... Read More

Posted On 10/30/2014 13:18:14 by Notgrnyyet
   I used to write lots of blogs. I stuck to the rules, just wrote about my childhood,sweet and honery things. I quit writing because the rules got too strict for my taste. I felt that my freedom of speech was being taken away..I very seldom comment on a blog. I read some with interest and agreement. Others I don't read because I'm either not interested or I don't agree. Recently one I strongly agreed with I felt I wanted to comment on, agree with.   I went about my way... Read More

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