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Viewing 871 - 875 out of 1340 Blogs.
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Who is my neighbor?
Posted On 10/29/2014 23:24:08 by yourchoice
I have been mulling over the very active "discussion" as a result of one of the posts this past weekend. Even though I am a dual citizen of Canada and U.S.A., I try not to get involved in discussions that become a 'war of words' instead of a friendly sharing of personal opinions. Every single person, no matter their age, has the opportunity to learn from others if they take the time to listen at least some of the time. Everyone who declares they are 'Christian', must surely know the simple vers... Read More

Grandkids and us
Posted On 10/26/2014 20:24:23 by Lenny
my wife and i with our 2 grandkids, Devon and Rachael

What's wrong With This Picture
Posted On 10/24/2014 12:50:38 by billieof-bigD
Dallas is my home, born and reared here. I can not remember such a chaotic situation as this Ebola Crisis. We are being told, "It's not by contact, it is not airborne;only by coming in contact with the body fluids of the contageous person." Why are all these people under quarantine? Does taking your temp twice daily while waiting for it to elevate make sense? You don't know who, where,what or why you can't move around. Health experts on TV and News saying "Dont Panic, you can not get it from con... Read More

A point of view from Rex
Posted On 10/23/2014 11:30:24 by yourchoice
This is a follow-up to my blog that was posted yesterday ... All I can say is 'Thank you, Rex' for your National Comment ... REX MURPHY'S POINT OF VIEW If you don't recognize his name, click on the link above to find out who he is. Mona... Read More

Things are about to change in Canada!
Posted On 10/22/2014 17:59:54 by yourchoice
It has been quite a day in Canada, and many feel that because of it, things are not going to be the same tomorrow, and the days after. For the second time this week, a soldier in the Canadian Armed Forces was killed in their own country. Today, a gunman shot an on-duty reservist at the memorial of the Unknown Soldier on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. The gunman then ran into the Parliament Buildings, and was shot dead by Security before he got too far. Some thought there were accomplices, so a lar... Read More

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