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Viewing 1261 - 1265 out of 1339 Blogs.
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Posted On 05/03/2013 22:06:23 by mothergeorge
MOTHER'S DAY To all the moms on Mother's Day For a job so hard it merits hazard pay But money or no, we get our reward In living a life in which we're never bored The single moms have it especially hard Never knowing which way fate will toss out the cards "Am I raising them right? Will they all be ok? I could sure use a job--I certainly need more pay!" Why do we do it? People ask this of us. How can you stand all the mess and the fuss? Then two little arms creep around your neck And two wet li... Read More

On Our Corner of Paradise
Posted On 05/02/2013 11:55:45 by Junie_PapaAllen
This was our May Day gift! We received 1½" of snow. It started out hailing the night before then poured down rain and rained all night. When we went to town yesterday it was a cross between rain and sleet. The wind was also blowing so when this hit us it hurt! Then turned to snow and snowed all day into the night. The weather doesn't know what it doing!! It is all starting to melt off now, though.   Papa and Pepper Dog are taking a nap while I showered and cooling off in front of the comp... Read More

Lost and Found
Posted On 05/01/2013 00:12:04 by Vespertine
CRS is sometimes a painful thing.  Today I lost one of the Muppets.  The bear who tells (mostly) lame jokes--you know the one.  And I know him, too.  But could not for the life of me come up with his name.  I'm not sure why my mind came around to even thinking about the Muppets, but there it was, while the bears' name wasn't.  I could remember Kermit, Miss Piggy, Gonzo, Bunsen and Beaker...even Fred, Kermit's nephew.  In racking my brain I also cross-refe... Read More

On Our Corner of Paradise
Posted On 04/28/2013 15:00:41 by Junie_PapaAllen
Whoa! Am I tired and so is Papa! We've been working on the back yard the last two days; Papa did the tilling and some of the raking while I trimmed or removed old plants. I also planted some wild flower seed and Scarlet Runners. Papa also dug up two trees that died over the winter. We had a very cold winter but little snow to help protect plants, shrubs and trees. In some places we need to start over again. He also lost three Rose bushes! But the climber that was left in a pot rooted through the... Read More

Keeping Busy
Posted On 04/26/2013 15:56:24 by oldblueeyes99
Last nite I went to my ggrand-daughter's concert. Right now she's playing the euphonium. This concert had all the schools represented...elementary, middle and high schools. They were splendid.The high school band had a special event that they made up themselves. It consisted of all sizes of drums, Xylophones and cymbals. They called it Raven...a tribute to Edgar Allen Poe. When it first started it scared most of the parents etc. because the speakers were on at the max...this is an all... Read More

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