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Viewing 1266 - 1270 out of 1339 Blogs.
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Spring time
Posted On 04/25/2013 12:03:26 by Swanlady
I am sitting on the sun porch watching all our winged friends fly over the lake two by two. It is certainly that time of the year for mating. I have seen Blue herons, Turkey buzzards, geese, ducks and all the song birds. We have a nest of baby robins in a shrub that we had to skip trimming until they have left the nest. The trees are mostly leafed out but a few of the slower ones will take a day or two longer before their glory is fully shown. It has been cold in the mornings but warms up to a w... Read More

Im Humbled...
Posted On 04/24/2013 00:15:42 by Gochoa3664
WOW...I am truly blessed by all the virutal hugz Ive been recieving the last couple of days for being a featured member.  I dont know how I was picked--Im not going to question anything--but it totally made my whole month!  I sincerely want to thank everyone that has taken the time to post a congrats.  You all ROCK!  Thank you, sincerely from the bottom of my heart.
... Read More

Boston ..the day their earth stood still
Posted On 04/20/2013 11:22:47 by oppsgal
I saw these photos today.. and thought Yesterday was the day the earth stood still of the people here.  No movement, huddled in their homes, with family, waiting.. and waiting.. He could be anywhere.. but su rely not here.. yet surey he could be too.  God Bless the folks of Boston.  May you heal and may we never forget!! ... Read More

Posted On 04/20/2013 06:21:11 by gtrefonas
I am so Happy to be back on, NOTH  Love you all!! Kissing all my friends, Hello!!

A Terrible Week
Posted On 04/19/2013 15:07:15 by oldblueeyes99
This has been one of the worst week's I've seen in a long time. From Monday with the bombing at the Boston Marathon, then that horrific fire at the fertilizer place in Texas, then the shooting in Boston by those 2 brothers. At this time one is still missing the other is dead. Just before noontime today my oldest daughter Karen called me to tell me there had been a bank robbery up the street from me right next door to Marshall's where my other daughter works and is where she was when it occ... Read More

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