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Viewing 1271 - 1275 out of 1339 Blogs.
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Rain, rain, rain
Posted On 04/19/2013 14:15:45 by Ella
Just sitting here watching a terrific fight between the wind and the rain. First the rain falls softly and then as the wind beats the rain against my window pane I see scattered tear drops lined up in layers on the glass. The rain begins again and falls steadily now and then I hear it, a knocking and beating sound as the wind catches its breath to batter up again. Who has the power, the wind or the rain? With both together are they a force to be reckoned with? Perhaps they are only involved a... Read More

On Our Corner of Paradise
Posted On 04/18/2013 19:00:32 by Junie_PapaAllen
It rained here all day Tuesday and Wednesday. In the last week-and-a-half we've had 8" of rain. I was up about 2:00 A.M. and it was raining, sleeting and snowing; all at the same time! Later it was snow and winds gusting to 30 - 40 mph. The snow is all gone but the winds are still blowing. There was much more activity north and south of us. But what we've been going through is nothing compared to Chicago and many other areas.   April 6th. a young friend of mine passed away a couple of hours... Read More

Wednesday Afternoon
Posted On 04/17/2013 12:35:06 by oldblueeyes99
My friend and I (Rosie) had made plans to go out for coffee yesterday morning. She does the driving, so when she showed up I got in her car and asked her if we should really be going. The day before being the bombing in Boston...40 miles away. But in the next breath I told her of course we are. We needed to go and not be intimidated by these insane  miscreants whoever they are. It's been a long, cold winter and I want to get out of the house and have our coffee break like we alwa... Read More

Posted On 04/17/2013 11:44:54 by emom101

Welcome home, dear hearts, welcome home. Get in here and dry off... coffee's hot and I have the makin's for several types of tea. Am I being nice or what? Bite your tongues, Brats... The Marv, Sherri, Doc... Ooopsie, I will run out of space in a hurry if I start naming all of you out there...lolol I CAN be nice once in a while.

The Marv is at it again... Making notes in his log book about my minor goofs... This time it c... Read More

Nightmare at Boston Marathon
Posted On 04/16/2013 08:18:38 by oldblueeyes99
I usually don't have my tv on during the day except to watch my Netflix . Yesterday was no exception ..except that I didn't have it on until it was time to watch Bones at 8 pm. I had talked to no one during the day so did not know what was happening just 40 miles north of me. I could not believe what I was seeing in front of me. The marathon in Boston had turned into a horrorthon. I called my daughter and she also had not known about it until late in the day as she took her grand-daughter for a... Read More

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