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Viewing 1291 - 1295 out of 1340 Blogs.
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Posted On 03/31/2013 20:40:17 by emom101
2013-3-31 Easter Sunday
Emom's Mountain News

Welcome home, dear hearts, welcome home! Wowser, just woke up... 2000 hrs my time. tried going back to the sleeping pills... well, 1/2 of one two nites in a row. By the time that half is out of my system, it's almost time to take another. Actually, all of the above is a lie! Me's been playing tag wiff the Easter Bunny... lololol He likes older women! Of course, it is Spring and he is starting to shed and the Spring Peepers... Read More

On Our Corner of Paradise
Posted On 03/28/2013 15:59:24 by Junie_PapaAllen
  Looks like I need to get out to clean some garden spaces; the Naked Ladies (Spider Lilies) are coming up already! They've come up right through the snow and ice. They don't usually start showing up until latter April.   The last 2 days have been pretty nice but there's still a chill in the air. It's been in the lower 50's; tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer them the temps will plummet yet again and expecting a small amount of snow.   Papa is out working on our pickup. He... Read More

easter greeting
Posted On 03/27/2013 20:57:00 by June
glitter-graph ics.com
... Read More

In case you missed it.....
Posted On 03/26/2013 09:27:59 by grammy210
Just in case you've missed it and I did.  I answered Keejac's blog about signing in to view pages. Then went back to the Home page and saw that Darcy had reenabled people to view pages again on 3/26 which is today.  She asked if you have comments or other concerns to "contact us" at the bottom of each page.  I've just done that and asked that we return to the way it was.  Now you have to make yourself heard too if you are not in agreement with having anyone and eve... Read More

As Time Goes By
Posted On 03/25/2013 13:34:11 by oldblueeyes99
This morning as I was getting ready to go to the store for a few items , I was doing a quick brush over of my silver tresses and thought...oh, my, time to call the hairdresser for an appointment. The ends are all frayed and sticking up and just not nice to look at. So, off to the supermarket I went and as I went in a little old lady passed me and went to the vegetable department and tried to get some sort of packaged lettuce from a hight shelf.  At once I noticed her hair and honestly...it... Read More

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