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Viewing 1326 - 1330 out of 1340 Blogs.
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On Our Corner of Paradise
Posted On 02/13/2013 20:37:12 by Junie_PapaAllen
We're sharing a picture of our son, Travis, and his father taken earlier this month.     A little over four (4) months ago I had an accident; don't remember if I mentioned before or not. I was starting to sit down on my office chair, which has wheels, and it rolled away from me and I landed on the floor. My knees were caught and twisted inside the center of my desk and I hit the left side of my face and had a little cut from that.   It took awhile for my knees to get settled do... Read More

How do you say goodbye?
Posted On 02/10/2013 20:04:44 by azjudy
Mom hasn't passed yet but it is only a matter of hours or days. The doctors and nurses are warning us so we are trying to prepare a reserve of strength to handle it. As big and loving her heart is, it can not continue to work with only a 10% function.  For me, Mom was always my best friend. The word “was” is a horrible word to use here but Mom developed Lewy’s Body Dementia and her once sharp, witty and inquisitive mind saw a quick decline in the last year and... Read More

The old senator, my friend
Posted On 02/05/2013 17:54:25 by oppsgal
When I was growing up, we  had a very large buckeye tree in our front yard.  It was taller than a 2 story house.  I know how tall it was because when I would look outside my bedroom window onto the porch roof the buckeye tree still towered above me.   In the fall, the buckeyes that had been growing all spring and summer would begin to open up and fall to the ground along with its shell.  It was a big mess to clean up everyday.. And it was my job to help.  Sometimes... Read More

Winter Wandering
Posted On 01/31/2013 14:56:33 by Yanaba

(Photo courtesy of cmhowes1 at photobucket)

Note:  I wrote this (in my head) headed to north Georgia in December 2010.  It was my next to last trip to our time-share near Ellijay.

It's a crisp cold December day.  An overcast day.  A gray day.  The sun is just a white hole in the gray sky.  There are snow warnings.

I begin making my way northward.  I'm going to meet Robert and we are going to our time-sha... Read More

Birthday wishes
Posted On 01/31/2013 01:19:29 by indianboy
I apologise to my freinds for their Birthday wishes. My regret is that I wasn,t here to answer them but I,d like to take this oppurtunity to thank you all now. THANKS YOU SO MUCH... Read More

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