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Viewing 11 - 15 out of 1340 Blogs.
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Ice Cream Brands
Posted On 01/22/2024 13:04:12 by Altara3
I just happened across some lists of the top ice cream brands.  The list of 25 contained mostly brands I've never heard of!  My favorite brands are Prairie Farms (local Midwest dairy) and Blue Bunny.  
    On the list of 25, Blue Bunny was #22.     Other brands I recognized are: Blue Bell, Haagen-Daz, Ben & Jerry's, & Baskin-Robbins. Of those...I've only had Ben & Jerry's (not a fan).  On the Top 10 List were those 'other' bra... Read More

A New Year..A New Beginning…A Gift of Time
Posted On 12/31/2023 16:55:30 by momtocam
The New Year, like a new born child, is placed in our hands as the old year passes away. The days and weeks to come are God’s gift; they carry God’s blessing. As a blessing, we welcome them. Our hope for the year ending is that all that was good in it remain with us an all that was harmful be left behind.Though even thinking on the subject of time may prove discomforting, it is not a bad idea—especially at the beginning of a New Year. As we look ahead for 2024, we look at a block of t... Read More

Special Christmas Ornaments
Posted On 12/11/2023 11:15:03 by Altara33606
As I put up my small Christmas tree here in my office/tv room, I found a small bag of 'special' ornaments. Every year, I see these ornaments--which brings back memories. Most are 'homemade or handmade'; but all are special in one way or another. 
First, there is the one shown in my Gallery:  a green, hand-made ornament my sister had made--for her, my brother, and me. It was the first year she and her husband were back in Illinois, after living in Texas. They have a pretty 'snowman'... Read More

Thanksgiving….the lost holiday
Posted On 11/13/2023 17:33:03 by momtocam
I remember so clearly walking into a big box store a few weeks ago. What did I hear upon entering the front door? Can you say Christmas music? Oh, and by the way, this was on Halloween day. Even before the Halloween candy has been consumed, the Christmas decorations and related products are on the store shelves; Christmas movies are on TV. Plain and simple, Thanksgiving gets gobbled up by the ads and promotions…year after year. But wait, not so fast…somewhere between Halloween candy and Chr... Read More

Reflections of Halloween days gone by~
Posted On 10/31/2023 11:44:24 by momtocam
Back in the dark ages when my twin sister and I embraced the Halloween season, there was anticipation in the air. This one day event consisted of seeing who could come back home with the biggest candy haul. Remember grocery store paper bags? No, not plastic bags, the big crisp brown bags. They worked just fine for our night of spooks, as we tried to out do everyone else with our homemade costumes.... Read More

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