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Viewing 21 - 25 out of 1340 Blogs.
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Time Out For The Hooker
Posted On 08/26/2023 13:27:56 by yourchoice
It has been several months since you have heard from me, and I must break my silence now, to let you know that I’m still breathing. It has been quite a time for us… most of it have been happy times. We’ve dealt with some health issues, have tried to be disciplined enough to follow any instructions that have been given, and be thankful for every day that we are still able to enjoy in our country home. Our neighbors have been warned that as long as we both have our driver’s licenses, they... Read More

Elderly or not
Posted On 07/29/2023 14:43:41 by Altara33606
 I don't feel "old". I don't "feel" elderly. But according to everything I read and hear, at 75, I am definitely 'elderly'.
Sometimes, contrary to my actual wishes, I do 'act' elderly. I can't walk very far now. And climbing steps is problematic.   But my 'mind' doesn't feel elderly. I'm still able to do creative things. In fact, I think that's what keeps me feeling 'young'. 
However, I admit I prefer 'golden oldies' in music. I never bother listening to 'mode... Read More

Dairy Queen
Posted On 07/25/2023 12:02:31 by Altara33606
I just got an 'ad' email from Dairy Queen, so that's on my mind right now.  I absolutely love 'soft' Dairy Queen ice cream!  (My husband prefers HARD ice cream, lol--but he'll sure eat DQ!) 
Of course, it's kind of expensive to do 'constntly'. So we don't go there often.  We especialy love the Blizzards: Choc Chip for my husband and usually Choc/Cherry for me.  We normally get the 'large'--and it will last us 3-4 days.   I did once try their special that ha... Read More

The Rose
Posted On 07/23/2023 11:38:02 by LadyLynne

As dark turns into lightAwakened by moisture from morning dewFloral beauty springs to lifePurely from a rose's point of view
Velvety flower emanates sweet fragranceSwaying gently in a summer breezeGlimpses of gold catch delicate petalsWhile partially hidden by the trees.
~Lynne~... Read More

Friends who have left this life
Posted On 07/17/2023 11:09:18 by Swanlady
I have in the last month checked on friends I have not heard from in a while. So many of them have passed from our lives. I have been a member since 2008 and there was a period of my life that I was not able to spend time on the Hill because of my illness and my husbands illness and death, but you know some thing, so many of my friends continued to send me greetings every day. I would be off line for weeks at a time but the messages would be there when I was able to be ON The Hill to read them.O... Read More

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