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Viewing 31 - 35 out of 1340 Blogs.
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My First computer-style device
Posted On 02/24/2023 12:16:19 by Altara33606

Something made me think of this recently.   So my new 'avatar' for the Computer Group page/account is my first computer-style device: a Brother Word Processor. I bought it at an office equipment  store, which is also where I got my ribbons and disks. 
I used colored ink 'ribbons':  blue, green, red, and brown, as well as black. And..I had 2 or maybe 3 'font' disks: Script as well as Pica and Elite.  I used blue or green ribbons with Script for letters--... Read More

It’s All About the 3C’s …
Posted On 02/22/2023 19:51:16 by yourchoice
Many thanks to the host of friends who have kept in touch with me the last several months, even though I have been unusually silent. There must be some reason for my absence, so I’ve instructed my  ‘talking fingers’ to take a few minutes to ‘set the record straight’! The title of this may give you some clue … or maybe not! One of the C’s is definitely NOT Covid, or Complaints or Chemicals. Both husband and I are doing well but not perfect. We are thankful to be able to remain... Read More

Posted On 01/05/2023 11:08:01 by merchandiser
ALL Quiet on the Western Groin
I had this angiogram procedure yesterday as my EKG from a stress test showed abnormalities and my cardiologist had to check for a possible blockage in any blood vessels in my heart. I'm fine. Doc said I have the heart of a 20 year old which was great to hear .
I got some post angiogram directions because the catheter had been placed though my groin. ..Among them, No strenuous exercise and even to curtail normal daily routines where I might be bending or li... Read More

Senior moments
Posted On 12/22/2022 13:26:05 by Altara33606
I'm sure I'm not the only one having senior moments!  But just a sample:  A few days ago I asked my husband to take the Kodak camera (a good one) outside to take pictures of our lights.  He did, and got some good pictures. 
 However, when I uploaded the pictures to the computer, I noticed it said the battery needed to be charged. So I immediately went to look for the battery charger. It's nowhere to be found! I 'thought' it was on the dining room hutch. Nope. Not the... Read More

Posted On 12/22/2022 07:53:31 by merchandiser
RUDOLPH'S STORMY ENCOUNTER Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeerhad some bouts with body liceand if you ever saw himhe'd be bathing in some ice.All of the other reindeersonly got venereal disease.They never knew poor Rudolphalso was attacked by fleas.Then one stormy Christmas EveRudolph ran away.He felt so ashamed that nightembarrassed, scorned, and so uptight.Then in some distant forestwas heard for miles some hunter's gun.Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeerwas now some party's venison.... Read More

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