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Viewing 66 - 70 out of 1341 Blogs.
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A Finely Tuned Instrument
Posted On 07/21/2022 06:32:28 by LadyLynne

Female contour a finely tuned instrumentWorthy of tender loving careShaped like a well strung guitarOr perhaps a soft well-rounded pear
Curvy figurine dances elegantlyInvitation in her outstretched armsIntoxicating body languageSeduction offered within her charms
Encased beneath the outer shellLie heartstrings plucked from dreams too soonPorcelain lady trapped in the music boxWith notes of Mills and Boon
... Read More

Native Floridians
Posted On 07/18/2022 08:37:47 by Beth777
  The Native Floridians in the above titled blog are not, in fact, humans. I am speaking of the wildlife we are surrounded by in my part of the sunshine state.  Summer, by it's nature, being a time of plenty for the animals, has brought them out in full force in my little corner of the world.   In the last month alone we've encountered (in our immediate yard and treeline) a coyote, 4 armadilloes doing their best to destroy our lawn, a rabbit, a possum, too many squirrels and... Read More

Now that we are Older
Posted On 07/14/2022 09:24:44 by Altara3
I 'found' this when looking for something else; I think I'd written & posted it a number of years ago--and accidentally deleted it:    Now that we are 'older', sometimes we think of the past. Recently, I was listening to a couple of my favorite 'oldies': "In Your Wildest Dreams" and the sequel " I Know You're Out There Somewhere" (by The Moody Blues).  That made me think of my youth.  
I remember my first kiss; it was with a neighbor boy who became... Read More

Family Recipes
Posted On 07/09/2022 09:00:59 by Altara33606
My son just asked for Grandma's Chicken Casserole recipe, which reminded me about all the 'old' recipes I've collected over the years. I did find a big folder of them--but to be honest, there's only one  that I actually use--word for word. More on that later. 
Back to Mike's question, first. I never did find the 'real' recipe! That's because I do a 'quick version'.  Grandma (his great grandmother) was a fantastic cook; she even baked and sold everything from pies and cakes to c... Read More

Computer or something else??
Posted On 07/04/2022 10:20:42 by Altara33606
I saw a post on Facebook this morning that made me stop and think. The question was about "Predictive Text".
Well, I 'tried' the thing--which didn't work. I 'googled' it and learned that apparently this is ONLY for 'smartphones'--or maybe 'Android'!   That reminded me--so many people don't even 'use' a real computer anymore! That boggles my mind.   Not to mention: many people simply can't afford a Smartphone and feel lucky to even 'have' a simple computer!!
Even thoug... Read More

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