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Viewing 1316 - 1320 out of 1344 Blogs.
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Getting older and Losing Friends
Posted On 03/02/2013 23:53:12 by Margaretmonteleone
I certainly do not mean to bring anyone down but I have to get this out or I will cry all night. This past year (actually almost two years) has been, well...less than good. My life changed drastically, but probably for the better; no, definitely for the better, but that is not why I am here tonight. I graduated high school in 1966.  In this past year, I have lost so many of my classmates that it is staggering.  Just two days ago, I received a message from the son of a girl (see? ... Read More

Posted On 02/27/2013 13:03:11 by aerheart
It doesn't seem to matter what you buy these days, everything just seems to be of lesser quality. Or, could this just be my imagination? Off course, we all know that everything has gone up in price. That's pretty much a "no brainer". Does that mean, however, that we're paying more for lesser quality?
Take for example the New Balance shoes I just purchased. They were normally priced at way over $100. Not cheap. However, I've had a pair which I've worn to death. They fit great and lasted. So I... Read More

Posted On 02/23/2013 16:52:33 by emom101
Saturday edition...lolol

Welcome home, dear hearts, welcome home! Come on out back here... have some coffee or tea or pop and some snacks! Beautiful day out here! My flyguys/gals have gone over. I got flashed. Another one of them BBSBs went over but it was hidden above the clouds. I saw a sunbow around the sun. And...Yes, there are such things and it was gorgeous. Lasted maybe 20 minutes or so. Wish I could have gotten a shot of it! Oh ... Read More

Meet Our Neighborhood Gang!
Posted On 02/23/2013 00:08:48 by yourchoice
The neighborhood gang arrived this morning … the weather was nice enough for them to leave the shelter of the bushes in the valley south of us. Whenever they pass through our yard, we get the camera, and watch from our window. We have mixed feelings when they arrive … we love to watch the wildlife from our window, but this bunch are not related to Bambi. They strip the newly-planted trees, they eat flowers in our flower pots, and the bucks will charge if they think we shouldn’t be where th... Read More

Posted On 02/22/2013 13:45:56 by emom101
2012*2*22 *Friday


Another OH DEAR day! lolol Get yourselves in here and set yourselves down. Coffee and stuff all ready to enjoy. All except the unbaked pumpkin pie -lolol

Now, we all know that I am mostly on midnite shift sleepwise but I am working on it... sort of... lolol Well, this morning, I rolled out...looked out the east window and saw lots of fog and mist here on the mountain. Low clou... Read More

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