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Viewing 1321 - 1325 out of 1340 Blogs.
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On Our Corner of Paradise
Posted On 02/16/2013 18:45:38 by Junie_PapaAllen
I wasn't able to go to sleep last night; finally managed to do so around 5:00 A.M. I couldn't get my mind off my son, Steve, back when he was a little boy. I kept seeing him in the little bib shorts I made for him. I made several in colorful prints in light-weight fabrics for summer. I also made them for my former husband's 2 grandsons. They were so cute! I was going to post a picture of Steve wearing a pair but I have so many albums to go through and just didn't feel up to it.   I miss hi... Read More

To Eat or Not To Eat Is The Questions
Posted On 02/16/2013 10:40:20 by Ella
Mass Destruction of Our Food Is everyone as confused as I am about what to eat or drink? Every day we are told, don’t eat this or don’t drink that as it will kill you. Diet drinks are so bad for you that one almost feels they are committing a crime if you plop one from the dispenser. I can see ladies secretly grabbing the diet coke and shoving it into their huge purses and in the future there might be a law or fine for concealment of a diet drink like concealment for a weapon. Well accord... Read More

a follow up to "How do you say goodbye? "
Posted On 02/16/2013 00:58:10 by azjudy
Please forgive me for not writing personal notes to those who respond to my blog about Mom. I started out tonight with intentions of writing but I just can’t. All I can do at this point is to try to get through the days and nights. Please know I appreciate everyone's kind words. Jeanne and I gave permission to stop the heart med that is keeping that tired but loving heart beating. I sit by her side for hours every day praying that she will go. I love her too much to be selfish by wa... Read More

Posted On 02/15/2013 17:59:07 by emom101
Paula Meems Rice ‎2013*2*15 EMOM'S MOUNTAIN NEWS
Friday edition

Welcome home, dear hearts, welcome home!

Well, here I sit... Delilah on my lap and the new baby on the floor by my feet. What have I done??

Where do I start? lololol Let me see... first of all, I found a good home for the American Fox Hound. He is a beauty. Became my permanently attached shadow and guardian. However, he was so overly protective that he came very close to killing Houdini.... Read More

Savanna and Sadie
Posted On 02/15/2013 16:05:34 by housemouse
Savanna was born in June of 1993. She was big for a Shih-tzu and such a happy dog. If you praised her she'd wag her whole body.
In April of 2004 she ended up having to have her left eye removed because of glaucoma. She got around very well with only one eye...it didn't bother her at all. Then in November of 2005 she lost her right eye...also to glaucoma, and she was totally blind, but you'd never know it. We have a doggie door that goes out onto a little porch and then there... Read More

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