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Viewing 61 - 65 out of 97 Blogs.
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It's All About The Weather!
Posted On 07/16/2015 14:14:40 by yourchoice
We all seem to like to talk about the weather, perhaps thinking that it will do some good! We don't have severe weather conditions where we live (except perhaps the occasional blizzard in the winter), as some of the events that I hear about in other areas, but we still talk about it. Being from a farming background, the common complaints I grew up with were...  
too hottoo coldtoo drytoo wettoo windynot enough breezetoo much rainnot enough rainwe need more snowwe're sick of all the snow... Read More

L and M Plumbing
Posted On 07/09/2015 15:48:24 by Derrough
Okay.... Here's how it goes! Mr. Local Septic Sucker came on Tuesday and performed miracles on the septic bed ensuring that the bathroom facilities are now 100% again in Hillsdale.
You will realize what a relief that was when I tell you we are at least 7 miles from the nearest public washroom. Now.....
You would think that would be the end of it wouldn't you?
Not a hope! My  dearly beloved brother Poge (Lawrie), and my equally dearly beloved hubby Marcel, decided... Read More

Posted On 06/17/2015 11:42:05 by Gunny
I like to thank everyone for the all the beautiful birthday wishes and memorial day wishes.Sorry, havnt been on lately,  I took time to visit my Daughter in Texas and spent a couple of months there with her.  She will soon be graduating from Veternarian College and will receive her degree and license,  I am very proud of her.  Wish her mother was alive to see it too, but I hope she can see from Heaven ....Hope everyone has a great Summer if its summer where you are, it is her... Read More

Thank you one and all
Posted On 04/08/2015 08:03:17 by Derrough
Good morning, one and all from Hillsdale.Thank you one and all for the congratulatory notes on the Featured Member status.
They were truly much appreciated.
Thank you all as well for the Birthday greetings. Again truly appreciated.

Here in Hillsdale, Spring is attempting to make an entrance, although today we are under a freezing rain warning with mixed precip and possible snow overnight.
A slow awakening this year.
Looking forward to the warmth to chase the bone aches away.... Read More

Posted On 02/28/2015 17:03:25 by Notgrnyyet

Friday nights in the winter was our fudge parties. Brenda and I would be at one house together. Sometimes Mamma and Auntie had to pool their stuff so we'd have what was needed for the fudge.
Now this wasn't the fudge like we all make today. Nope, We didn't know there was any kind but what we made.
We'd assemble our stu... Read More

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