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Viewing 66 - 70 out of 97 Blogs.
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Posted On 02/23/2015 12:54:53 by Notgrnyyet

 I started to school in 1950 at Altus Denning Grade  School.  Things started changing fast once we got off the dead end road and started to school. Things just were not as simple anymore. Mama and Daddy were not around to get us out of messes we may get ourselves in to. We were not used to this. Teachers didn't seem to be worth a darn to me. Useless! If I wanted a peanut butter sandwich at 10 AM they wouldn't get it for me.  Out fo... Read More

Posted On 01/27/2015 12:31:38 by Notgrnyyet
Patience is a virtue they say but I sure don't have much of it sometimes. Persistence is the one I am better at. You know, If at first you don't succeed try, try, again. Yeaw, sure. If at first I don't succeed I get flustered, if the second time I still don't succeed I get a full blown case of persistence by golly.

I have lots of evidence of that to... Read More

Posted On 01/26/2015 09:45:05 by Notgrnyyet

My Grandma sewed all the time. She loved and enjoyed it. Her liking to sew was a bonus because it sure was helpful to our family. She made clothes for us. She made quilts, pillows, sheets & pillow cases, rag rugs for... Read More

My "special" birthdate!
Posted On 12/29/2014 22:26:38 by GerriB
Hello and many thanks to Jennifer-Jean for best wishes on my New Year's birthday.  I always look forward to the day as everyone seems in a good mood for various reasons...  Hope the New Year will be especially good for you!GerriB... Read More

We're prepared ... and having fun!
Posted On 11/24/2014 21:20:45 by yourchoice
I've been on a learning curve this past weekend, and I decided that I would put together a video (without music) that I could upload to YouTube, and try out the tip I read in a Group here on The Hill. The tool that I learned about is online, and it creates embedded code that can be copied and pasted on a website or blog. That sounds like fun.  Here is the link:http://www.tools4noobs.com/online_tools/youtube_xhtml / I posted a music video on my page, and I also wanted to try a personal... Read More

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