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Weather ... what to do about it!
Posted On 07/17/2014 21:51:56 by yourchoice
Everybody talks about the weather, even though we can't do a thing about it. Living in a rural setting among farmers and ranchers, the weather conditions are:
Too hot ... the crops will burn up; where's the snow now?Too cold ... nothing is going to grow; too much snowToo dry ... not enough rainToo wet ... too much rainToo windy ... we're losing all the topsoilToo calm ... where's the Chinook when we need it?Today it was too hazy with all the smoke from the wildfires, and this evening the hail... Read More

Posted On 06/21/2014 18:36:55 by Notgrnyyet

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I've heard that many times over my life. I'd imagine you have too.
This morning I deleted all the hurtful things of yesterday and wiped the slate clean. At least that is what I have tried to do. Yesterday I learned things that will not allow the same consequences today.
Today I face life with a new clean slate knowing that today will never return.
So today I will live happy. I wont know about tomorrow and yesterday blew... Read More

Posted On 06/21/2014 18:32:48 by Notgrnyyet
One day we were playing softball in Brenda's pasture. There was a cow called Pet, and a horse called Smokey in the pasture with us. We were all scared of the horse and had had some run in's with him. Smokey was getting' too... Read More

Posted On 06/04/2014 07:55:14 by Notgrnyyet
I saw a web-site  called These are a Few of My Favorite Things. It has pictures of beautiful and precious things like flowers and kids. Very nice but I wonder what they would do with pictures of Some of My Favorite things?
There are my favorite jeans torn out at the pocket and waist. Throw away my bestest' most comfortable jeans, You've got to be Kidding right? I'll keep wearing them till they fall off me.
Then there are my favorite shoes. They've been with me for a ve... Read More

along a country road
Posted On 05/31/2014 01:05:02 by oppsgal
Back about 30 years ago for fun we would take rides in the car, gas was cheap and it was fun to find out of the way places.  The best thing we ever found is this story.
A hot July Sunday, my sister came to visit us when we lived in PA.  We went for a ride our idea of going for a ride was just to follow old back roads some paved some gravel and just see where we would end up and what we would see.  This day we were on a narrow gravel road we never knew the name of that ro... Read More

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