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Viewing 11 - 15 out of 97 Blogs.
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Swinging On A Halo
Posted On 10/26/2021 07:03:50 by texasjane
I could hardly wait until my sister woke up from her nap. I had learned so much today. October thirty first. Who knew it was the month of the spooks. I had never heard of spooks until this morning. I heard it on a cartoon, just before nap time. They are apparently something to be feared. I knew we were in trouble when I had asked our new grandmother if she had ever heard of a "spook". Her answer sent shivers down my spine. My heart was beating so fast. She said she was the Queen of the 'spooks'.... Read More

Juliet Then and Now
Posted On 10/18/2021 01:21:08 by texasjane
Sebastian is new to the town of Hawkins.  I thought I would invite him to go with me to the senior center for the day.Little did I know the invitation would start a chain of events that left me wondering about a lot of things, my sanity was just the start.  Sebastian had mentioned he liked playing dominoes.  There is an entire group of ole goats who love to sit around, talk about what they used to be, and play dominoes.  I know because George, my previous neighbor used to inv... Read More

It's Not The Way It Was...
Posted On 10/06/2021 20:37:50 by yourchoice

What happens when its time again to celebrate your birth date. Are you as excited about it as you once were? Are you disappointed because the family didn’t come up with a ‘surprise’ party like they did ten years ago? I hope you answered ‘NO’ to both of those questions, and have filled your heart and mind with grateful and thankful thoughts… for another day, for loving family and friends, and acceptance of the challenges that all of us are experiencing this year. September was m... Read More

My Twenty-First
Posted On 04/21/2021 08:10:28 by texasjane
I stopped celebrating birthdays.  Now, I celebrate when I turned forty-nine.  Next Tuesday will my twenty-first anniversary of that day.I look back on many such celebrations.  I think about the anniversaries and the ones I simply called my birthday.  My grandmother celebrated anniversaries for many years.  I think she celebrated turning forty-nine for thirty years.  She called it bicycling backwards.  She would say that age is a scorecard for some, an excuse fo... Read More

Dreams and Wishes
Posted On 03/23/2021 14:14:18 by texasjane
"Now, watch him. He is going to walk over to that mare and nuzzle her. See, he is doing it. She thinks he is a colt and is letting him, nurse. "His name should be ConMan. He is one horse that has made the most of being one yard tall. I think I am the only one who knows he is four years old. Even the milk cow will let him, nurse.""You, have to admit, Barbra, he is adorable.""What is he doing now with that bucket? When he was in the sideshow he carried the water bucket for the clowns to put out th... Read More

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