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Viewing 16 - 20 out of 97 Blogs.
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Golden Nuggets Plus 10 - Part 2
Posted On 02/23/2021 06:29:57 by yourchoice
Following graduation, the class of nurses went their separate ways, to find their first job as a Registered Nurse (known as an RN), continue their education, or to finally marry the love of their life (which was not allowed during training days). They were now members of the Hospital Alumnae, and made concerted efforts to travel back to attend the annual Alumnae Banquet. Traditionally, each class planned their own class reunion every five years, which included attending the Alumnae Banquet. The... Read More

Special Valentines
Posted On 02/06/2021 14:14:51 by texasjane
I found a treasure today.  I have had it since I was eight years old.  Wow.  I started glancing over the pages.  Oh, my goodness so much love.  The year was 1959.  It was Saturday.  I was eight years old.  I kissed Daddy on his cheek and settled on the floor to unwrap my Valentine's day present and card."A little red book shaped like a heart?  I read the front of the book, "My First Diary".  I thumbed through the pages.  All the pages a... Read More

A Duck Named Thanksgiving
Posted On 11/17/2020 19:14:23 by texasjane
My uncle was a quiet-spoken man.  He was a wood floor specialist.  He did everything from installing to repairing wood floors.  He was sought after throughout half the state.  He had a crew that did out of town jobs.  He took care of the ones close to home.  He was forever taking barter instead of money for his services.  One spring day he brought home a baby ducklet... is that a word?  Anyway, it was small, yellow and fuzzy.  It quacked a lot. ... Read More

I've Been A Brat Longer
Posted On 10/25/2020 04:04:58 by texasjane
Common sense would tell you that if you go to the hospital to set a broken leg that the leg would be set and you would then be sent home. Right? Nah, not these days. You gotta wear a mask first. Then you gotta know who the president is, the day of the week, your birthday, the state you are in, and how many fingers someone is holding up. After arriving at the hospital I volunteered the information that I had broken my leg. The medical nurse thinks she is being cleaver. "Now, you don't have an x-r... Read More

Making A Thank You List...
Posted On 10/11/2020 14:29:41 by yourchoice
It is the Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend in our area, and we had a delightful early dinner with family to accommodate working hours of family members. I've been reminded of a Thanksgiving Challenge that was given to me many years ago. It was the spring of 1975, filled with many happy expectations and unplanned and unpleasant events. My mother succumed to her rapid developing illnes before her 65th birthday, and my husband was hospitalized because of a propane explosion at our new home under... Read More

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