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About this Vintage Collection...
Posted On 09/20/2020 20:05:41 by yourchoice
I'm still finding boxes of 'stuff' that I've forgotten that I still have. I have to admit that I have  been distracted quite often, when started to sift through a discovered box. When the family tells me that I never throw anything out, I think they are right at least part of the time. One box was very heavy... no wonder it hasn't been moved in years. It is filled with newspapers and magazines. The Star Weekly was known for the photos included in their stories, and I have the issue in honor... Read More

EST Moments
Posted On 07/04/2020 12:16:21 by texasjane
I thought I was going to add something to the "sweet" column of my "EST" listings. I had added a few after getting home from the er and getting my electric back on and of course the snake round up. Then I glance over as I hear Sweet Pea coming into the office. I spot Oscar scampering in behind her.Sweet Pea stopped just before coming through the door. She lowered her long gray hound snout to the floor. Oscar jumped on and scampered up her nose to the top of her head then Sweet Pea came in the do... Read More

Dad ... A Cowboy and a Gentleman
Posted On 06/18/2020 22:43:01 by yourchoice
Father’s Day is this weekend … we are happy that our son and his wife are bringing both families together to honor Dads, present and absent, as an expression by the families. We will miss those who are not able to be with us, but know that their hearts will be here.My father was the first-born in his family, arriving in the winter of 1906.  The family tragedies in the first few years of his life, resulting in a major move to another country, contributed to his early maturity and diligen... Read More

Grandmother's Call
Posted On 06/07/2020 09:23:19 by texasjane
I usually went to see my grandmother every Thursday so was very surprised when I got her urgent call to come see her on Wednesday.  I heard the message on my answering machine.  She needed me today.My husband, Ray, was busy working on his sermon for the following Sunday so I rearranged some of my appointments and left within the hour.  I knew Grandmother would be having breakfast downstairs in the dining hall of the fancy senior center where she now had an apartment.  It woul... Read More

Hamlet or Spook?
Posted On 05/26/2020 03:58:58 by texasjane
It was the first week of October. Plans were already being made for the Halloween party at a near by senior citizen center. Hamlet had been invited as more of a guest than an entertainer. This meant a new costume.He loved pumpkins too much to have him ware one.  He would eat it before the party got started.Going as a Pig in a Blanket might not be a good idea... someone might say the "B" word or make him think he was anything other than a star.We even thought about turning a little box with... Read More

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