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Tag: animals

Viewing 6 - 10 out of 16 Blogs.
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A Christmas in July Pageant
Posted On 02/24/2020 08:45:52 by texasjane
Many small churches and charities have fund raisers. Mine was no different. The church board was headed by a noble woman named Gladys who thought it was her duty to make sure the Christmas in July pageant went off without a hitch.July in Texas is hot. Poor Gladys was from Nebraska so poor dear, she just did not understand. She had theatrical experience and just knew we could put on a great show. We finally got her to agree no one had to ware red wool anything.Auditions were held and several of t... Read More

There Is Someone At The Door
Posted On 02/15/2020 10:39:49 by texasjane
I got a call late last night that the Chief of Police would be coming by to see me this morning.  I had a hunch it would involve someone who needed my help.  Now, you must understand... I do not have a door bell.  Anyone who is coming to see me must call first.  If I am in the back of the house I cannot hear if someone is at the front door.  I am not hard of hearing but the TV is usually going or I have music playing.  If I know someone is coming, I unlock the front... Read More

Hamlet Gets Arrested
Posted On 02/13/2020 07:17:18 by texasjane

Dirt all over his face and body.  Like a common criminal.  The officer knew exactly where this young man belonged.  It all started when a neighbor decided to also get a pot bellied pig.  I think it was more curiosity than it was jealousy.

I would not have know he had even gotten out of the yard without the help of a thoughtless pedestrian.  He saw Hamlet making eyes at the pig on the other side of the fence and said, "Looks like a g... Read More

Dod Oh Dod, What do I do now?
Posted On 02/06/2020 01:14:08 by texasjane
"Jane, please watch the kids for me. My sister is going to have a baby and I can't take them with me.""Sure," I said... like I could do anything about it when the three of them zoomed past us at the door. They were all headed to the TV room. I waved bye to their mom and instantly went from having a lazy afternoon to Dod oh Dod, what do I do now? When I was little I had problems with my "G's" and so when I talked to God it was Dod. I have called him that ever since. I glance at the ceiling and sa... Read More

The Neighborhood
Posted On 02/06/2020 01:08:07 by texasjane
The NeighborhoodThe ground hog's announcment that we would be having an early Spring made me think back to last Spring.  I already introduced you to Mr. & Mrs. SQ in my blog "A Squirrel's Conversation".  Their story continues.    Last Spring I was having a rather blue day.  I could find no reason for it other than the fact I was tired of Winter and a gray sky.  I had my usual coffee on the back porch to watch my backyard friends.  I had very quietly sa... Read More

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