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Tag: blog

Viewing 6 - 10 out of 12 Blogs.
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Words... treasured or ignored?
Posted On 02/12/2020 16:06:12 by yourchoice
Many of my cyber-friends know that I’m not much for watching TV. I love music, and I love to learn new stuff, so I am a fan of YouTube. Politics is something that I won’t discuss if at all possible. So much of what is on TV is focused, either directly or indirectly, to current trends and politics, peppered with antagonistic, hurtful, and unsubstantiated accusations.  I’m a Canadian, living in an area that apparently produces ‘dirty oil’. Maybe they meant to say that oil makes you... Read More

Z – Zoos, Zippers, and…
Posted On 04/20/2017 23:16:42 by yourchoice
I’ve never been a big fan of zoos, unless I could go with young children, especially our grandchildren. Watching ‘little people’ delight in animals, no matter the size or reputation, seems to show a mutual respect between animals and children. I don’t like watching animals pacing back and forth in their enclosure. I suppose for many people, it is a treat to see real live animals from far away places; animals that they would normally only see in photos books.We have visited one exotic ani... Read More

S - The Season for Songs, Stars, Shepherds, and the Saviour
Posted On 10/07/2015 23:46:01 by yourchoice
As much as I am enjoying the autumn colors as we are travelling, through the mountains, and near the ocean, I can't help but be reminded that winter will soon be here. Our decorations will change from pumpkins, colored leaves, and harvest grains to red cranberries, evergreen trees, and a jolly guy who goes by the name of Santa, when he works at the Mall. The month of December is probably the busiest month of the year, if you have family and business commitments. School concerts, office par... Read More

G - Gorgeous, Gigantic Gus; What A Gentleman!
Posted On 08/21/2015 10:20:29 by yourchoice

I’dI I would like to introduce you to a guy I met many years ago. He was a lot older than me, but the first time I laid eyes on him, I knew I wanted to get to know him better. He was gorgeous, and to me, he looked like a giant with a great smile and sparkling grey eyes. He said his given name was Gustav but everyone called him Gus. He and Brownie, his horse, had come to our neighborhood four years earlier, looking for work. He met his wife on a neighboring farm, but that didn't bother me.... Read More

F - Frank, Fernando, and the Flex
Posted On 08/19/2015 12:45:28 by yourchoice
I’m sure you are wondering why I have selected these three ‘F’ words for my next A-Z challenge. It may surprise you. Recently, a well-known sports figure has left this world. I have never said that I am a sports fan, but I manage to watch the final series games of hockey (our local team is the Calgary Flames), and Canadian football (our local team is the Calgary Stampeders). There is a Canadian Major Baseball team, the Bluejays, but they never play in Western Canada, so I muster some enth... Read More

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