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Viewing 6 - 10 out of 11 Blogs.
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Posted On 09/10/2020 21:17:42 by yourchoice
I thought I would have my computer back home by now, but not quite. The new battery that was installed lasted about 12 minutes!!!!! The company has to get their supplier to send another one... hopefully one that will work longer. I was in the city yesterday to enjoy a "Birthday Celebration" with three other ladies. It was a "had my birthday", "having my birthday", and "going to have my birthday"! It was a lot of fun to enjoy a LONG lunch in a great restaurant. By the time I got back home, I was... Read More

Friends... Then and Now!
Posted On 02/05/2020 12:50:46 by yourchoice
Last week, I experienced several ‘gold-star’ events and my mind is still whirling. It was a week of emotional highs and lows, mixed with hugs, smiles and tears. In my quiet times back home, I’ve thought about the friends that I have ‘accumulated’ over more than ‘three score and ten’ years in my life. Friends… how did they get to be on my ‘List of Friends’! Where did I meet them? What happened to make us think that we could be friends? My week began with a text message, t... Read More

My Christmas 'To Do' List!
Posted On 12/10/2019 23:34:32 by yourchoice

My 'To Do' list is getting shorter these days... and writing a short blog will take another item off the list. I have been dropping by NOTH to see what's happening, visiting pages to admire Christmas decorations, and reminding myself that I need to change my page... enough with the "Winter" theme! Because I was a bit short on ideas for my page, I decided to share photos from of our Christmas decorations. We do tend to be somewhat "non-traditional" (not a Santa or an Elf to be found), b... Read More

D – Delores and her Reborn Dolls
Posted On 08/03/2017 21:46:53 by yourchoice
Last year, I had the opportunity to reconnect with a former neighbor. She had introduced herself when we moved into our new house, next to her home, and we connected immediately. However, both of our families moved several times, and we lost touch.Delores was a talented seamstress, a group leader for Weight Watchers for many years, and after surviving cancer herself, spent many hours as a volunteer at a Hospice. After our  surprise meeting and exchange of loving and enthusiastic hugs, we we... Read More

It's all about Surprises!
Posted On 11/04/2014 21:31:58 by yourchoice
We received an Evite today from our daughter-in-law, telling us that she is planning a surprise birthday party for her husband... our son! He will be 50 years old in December. My first thought was, "Wait a minute. I'm not old enough to have a 50-year-old son!" But when I counted on my fingers (and toes), I realized that she was right. I AM old enough!It got me thinking about surprise parties that have occurred in our family, and a flood of memories entertained me all afternoon. I don't recall an... Read More

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