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Viewing 11 - 15 out of 71 Blogs.
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Food for Thought...
Posted On 04/15/2021 12:13:04 by yourchoice
How many times, in this last year, have you read the phrase ‘Food For Thought’? Some are meant to give us thoughts to ponder, perhaps on topics that had never even crossed your mind. If you ask Google the meaning of ‘food for thought’, it tells us that it is “something that warrants serious consideration”;  something that needs to be thought over carefully before deciding or acting. The topics can be varied; medical, political, religious, or daily living. Some can even... Read More

My Heart Was Breaking
Posted On 04/10/2021 10:07:37 by texasjane
"Shuu Shuu, Baby, I want to hear what they are saying.""One is all I will allow.  It is just too dangerous for both.  While one is out the other will be locked in the closet."  My new grandmother had her hands on her hips.  She did that when she was laying down THE LAW.  Honey, gave her a hug and a nod of her head."What are you going to do about...?""Jane, I got that covered.  I am going to make a cake from scratch and she will be so distracted to realize what is ha... Read More

My Pa
Posted On 03/12/2021 22:26:39 by texasjane
My mind has wondered all over today. I spent a lot of it thinking about how lucky I was to have had such loving foster parents.
My sister and I had come from an abusive home to the orphanage. My sister was very, very close to Pa. The first time the man and woman came to the orphanage, my sister bounced into his lap and hugged his neck. I was mesmerized by the beauty and kindness in the woman's face.
I reflected on growing up with a Pa every little girl should have had. We got valentines an... Read More

Mama and the Pie
Posted On 01/13/2021 19:39:50 by azjudy
I am not sure but if I did it was one of the very first blogs that was deleted before I knew to save them as blogs.  The incident still makes me laugh whenever I think of it.  My beloved mother is no longer with us but the memories always will be.
Mama and the PieI was home from college for the holidays. Mama spent her days cooking and preparing various dishes.  One of her favorite things to bake were pies. To this day, I have never tasted a pumpkin pie as good as Mom’s but... Read More

I Love Trains...
Posted On 12/17/2020 22:07:45 by yourchoice

I’m not yet ready to write a blog about Christmas, but I’ll get there. This week, I’ve been thinking about trains, especially while watching so many ‘going’ and ‘coming’ through our valley. Trains have change in many ways in my lifetime, and this may bring back a few memories for you too. In the early 1940s, our family lived on a farm, and when it was necessary to travel 80 miles to the city, many times my Mom and I would take the train. The proprietor of our General Store, wo... Read More

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