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Viewing 16 - 20 out of 71 Blogs.
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A Treasure Trove of Photos - Part 1
Posted On 10/30/2020 03:35:19 by yourchoice
I have always had a passion for photographs. When I arrived in our family, my mother purchased a box camera. I still have quite a few photos of myself, starting as a babe in arms, and my growing up years on the farm. I don't have any siblings so I was the 'star'! When we moved to the city, and I was attending school, Mother used a Brownie camera, with the glass view finder, which I still have in my collection. The definition of a trove, according to Webster, is a collection or store of valuable... Read More

An Affair, Remember?
Posted On 10/20/2020 11:35:20 by texasjane
On the news today I saw a story about a woman who celebrated her birthday by jumping out of a plane.  She was one hundred and two.  Then I remembered my grandmother's older sister, Lilly, celebrating her birthday when she was also one hundred and two.
Lilly, was a real hoot.  She wore a bussell because she did not have much of a bottom.  I used to get a kick out of watching her turn her back to a mirror, then hold another mirror up so she could see what she looked like fro... Read More

Why Are You Surprised?
Posted On 10/11/2020 18:42:19 by texasjane
I want all you grown ups, who are grandparents to read carefully and remember to whom you are speaking.  Before we go any further all you grown ups need to tilt your head just a bit and let all that grown up stuff shake out of your head.  It will come out one of your ears... if you let it.  You have to shake your head a little to get it all.Now, remember back when you were about six.  You were either in first grade or getting ready to go into first grade.  You have... Read More

It Is All About The Goats
Posted On 10/07/2020 16:09:26 by texasjane
My new parents had introduced me to Jesus, God, and church.  I loved the bible stories.  I took it all very seriously.  I also, as you have gathered by now, took everything I heard literally.
I was asked to go to church with one of the kids in kindergarten.  It was a christian church but different from ours.  I was six.
I came home from the service and informed my family our preacher did not know anything.  The real God's name was Howard, and his son had 3 hol... Read More

Swinging On A Halo
Posted On 09/30/2020 19:57:41 by texasjane
I could hardly wait until my sister woke up from her nap. I had learned so much today. October thirty first. Who knew it was the month of the spooks. I had never heard of spooks until this morning. I heard it on a cartoon, just before nap time. They are apparently something to be feared. I knew we were in trouble when I had asked our new grandmother if she had ever heard of a "spook". Her answer sent shivers down my spine. My heart was beating so fast. She said, she was the Queen of the 'spooks'... Read More

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