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Viewing 56 - 60 out of 97 Blogs.
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Developing A Phobia
Posted On 01/30/2020 16:40:59 by texasjane
Developing a phobia is quite simple when you are a pig named Hamlet. Now, please understand… I told Hamlet (when he weighed 6 pounds) that he was 50% angel and 50% total delight. I never told he was pork, nor once did I mention he was a pig. I also made sure it was never mentioned in any of his reviews. He was always referred to as “the star”.My mother and I were having breakfast out in the gazebo one morning. My cousin, who lived next door, had come over to visit while we ate. She had alr... Read More

Peek A Boo, I See Me
Posted On 01/30/2020 16:27:51 by texasjane
All creatures react differently the first time they see their reflection. When I first saw myself in a mirror, I screamed my head off. That kid in the wall did everything I did and would not stop. That kid in the wall screamed just as loud as I did. What did I do? I hid and peeked out. My new foster mom gently took me by the hand and lead me back to the mirror. I saw another her there too. My mouth flew open and my eyes got wide. She said, "That is you. I grinned, the kid grinned. I suddenly got... Read More

My Computer 'Love Affair'...!
Posted On 01/30/2020 13:40:50 by yourchoice
I don’t think that I ever explained … and perhaps no one has asked, but I’m here nonetheless! It’s about my username here on The Hill. I’ve often thought I should change it and pick one that sounds less “self-centered”! There is a story about how I picked it in the first place.About thirty-five years ago, when our children left our ‘nest’ and ventured on their own, I was looking for something to help fill my time… being that I had been a full time homemaker, taxi service, and... Read More

A Quiet Evening At Home
Posted On 01/30/2020 03:43:42 by texasjane
After visiting with friends that lived across the street I decided to go home for a quiet evening alone.My drive way was covered with acorns that had fallen from the trees that surround my little house on the lake. I made it through all the marbles on my drive, up my steps, and across the porch just fine, no problems. I came through the front door and faced instant chaos.The fur people were all over my feet, Baby Girl was tugging at one arm while Freddie tugged at the other. Ashley, the cat, lai... Read More

Ashley and Oscar
Posted On 01/29/2020 02:44:51 by texasjane
Ashley was one of several kittens born to a dying mother. An opossum had killed the mother and was after the kittens. There were 3 beautiful kittens then there was Ashley. I named her Ashley because she was so ugly I wanted her to have something pretty. Ashley was the last of all the kittens and came to be my sleeping buddy. When I gave up my mother's family home and moved to the lake... Ashley went with me. Ashley, besides being a bit of a queen bee, was notorious for helping other animals.&nbs... Read More

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