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Viewing 66 - 70 out of 97 Blogs.
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Here Come the 20s!
Posted On 12/30/2019 00:03:29 by yourchoice
This week has been a mixture of busy, busy, and quiet hours in my favorite chair. Christmas Day was wonderful, even though there were several grands who were missing, either because they had to work, or they were invited by their “significant other” to celebrate with their family. We do know that they still love us and will show up on our doorstep when the opportunity presents itself. As for the Christmas Dinner… I wasn’t disappointed. There was a pile of mashed potatoes with gravy, cran... Read More

62 years of marriage....etc etc etc
Posted On 11/09/2019 12:40:51 by GerriB
November 9th - 62 years of marriage - met in high school - I trained in X-ray, transcribing medical reports, ultrasound and nuclear med tech - 2 daughters - worked 25 full time years in X-ray and kept books for hubby's business, drove 2 dtrs to baby sitter (whom they LOVED - she had lots of animals)  did my own housework, occasionally met with friends in same lifestyle - moved from town hubby & I were born in (same hospital - 24 days apart = cared for mentally ill mother with constant h... Read More

Posted On 08/02/2019 12:34:55 by LadyLynne

Butterflies roam freeWildflowers they do seekAlighting each delicate petalOn which to rest their tiny feet
Eagles soar into the skyIn search of unsuspecting preyMaintaining life's intricate balanceIt is just nature's way
Apple mango teaSipped from a china cupSoothing for the soulTo lift the spirits up
Unicorns are magical creaturesTheir beauty undefinedGliding through one's imaginationPure fantasy comes to mind
Time is of the essenceA precious commodityUtilize it wiselyLet your d... Read More

Circle of Friends
Posted On 07/20/2019 02:54:50 by LadyLynne

Our online friends touch us dailyFrom different walks of lifeEnveloping us with warmth and kindnessTo ease the pain and strife
Some live just around the cornerOthers an ocean apartEach struggling with their hopes and fearsSoul searching deep within the heart
Over time the bond strengthensOf that it is a factThrough emotional and economic crisesOur circle of friends remains intact
~Lynne~... Read More

The Adventures of An Only Child
Posted On 12/01/2018 18:20:35 by yourchoice
Being an only child living on a farm was an education in itself. I was deeply loved and well cared for by my parents, but I was lonely. There were times when I was called a ‘spoiled princess’ that never sounded like a compliment to me, or a ‘spoiled brat’, depending on the circumstances. I longed to have a brother or sister to play with. Our closest neighbors were two miles away, and their four boys were all older than me. My dad was a fun guy and took the time to be with me whenever pos... Read More

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