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Viewing 71 - 75 out of 97 Blogs.
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A - Another Attempt to Add An Anecdote by this Author
Posted On 07/25/2017 11:52:50 by yourchoice
It's been a few months since I have done a bit more than browse The Hill to check on my friends. I still love this Social Network, but a combination of events and circumstances has limited me from participating as I have done in the past.After receiving a number of private messages, asking me why I haven't written any blogs for some time, I decided to give it a try. Many may not find my topics very interesting, and that's fine with me, but working on an Alphabet Challenge make me think, and help... Read More

Z – Zoos, Zippers, and…
Posted On 04/20/2017 23:16:42 by yourchoice
I’ve never been a big fan of zoos, unless I could go with young children, especially our grandchildren. Watching ‘little people’ delight in animals, no matter the size or reputation, seems to show a mutual respect between animals and children. I don’t like watching animals pacing back and forth in their enclosure. I suppose for many people, it is a treat to see real live animals from far away places; animals that they would normally only see in photos books.We have visited one exotic ani... Read More

X - Xerox and Xylitol
Posted On 04/13/2017 01:03:47 by yourchoice
What can I tell you about two ‘X’ words that once were commonly used in our home. I love crossword puzzles and the Internet game, Words with Friends, and I’ve often use xa, xi, and xu but in my office and my home, these two words that I am including in this blog were common. I had a home-based graphic design business for seven years, with customers in the town closest to where we live. I figured there were enough home-based businesses with self-taught designers in the city, and in an effor... Read More

K - Kilometer and Kilograms
Posted On 10/01/2016 21:57:23 by yourchoice
I enjoyed writing blogs on NOTH some months ago, but circumstances this summer limited me to short visits on The Hill, and any other place on my computer. I guess I needed to be reminded that there are times when life circumstances, not involving computers, need to be moved to the top of our “priority” list. Members who have followed the A-Z Blog Challenge, may remember that I was working on the second round of the challenge. I must admit that the letter ‘K’ was a challenge the first tim... Read More

Blog - I Installing the Internet
Posted On 01/22/2016 00:40:40 by yourchoice
It has been quite a week, just in time for my next blog in my second round of the A to Z Blog Challenge. Most of my friends know that we live in a rural area, and we lack some of the “amenities” of those living in the city. Our Internet service has been slower than slow, but in spite of that fact, the company has insisted for years that 0.02 to 2.1 ghrz download speed is average, and worthy of their charges for “high-speed” Internet service. They will not upgrade any equipment until ther... Read More

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