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Viewing 76 - 80 out of 97 Blogs.
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Documents, Durham & Dainty Dinah
Posted On 12/11/2015 00:39:08 by yourchoice
My husband’s father was 19 years old when he emigrated to Canada from Chester-le-Street, a village near Durham in Northern England. He traveled on a cargo ship from Liverpool, England to Halifax, Nova Scotia, then continued west by train, looking for homestead land. He had studied Animal Husbandry in England, and thought the only job he would ever enjoy would to be a farmer. He eventually settle in the province of Saskatch-ewan, met a lovely French lady, and soon had three sons. In his persona... Read More

C-fer, Our Country Cat
Posted On 12/03/2015 23:08:49 by yourchoice
When we moved from the city to our present country location in 1975, we were willing to get pets to join our family, thinking it would help our son and daughter make the transition from city to rural living.Kathy, our eight year old daughter had requested to have an orange cat, and Jason, our nine year old son wanted any kind of dog to play with. In short order, the orange cat arrived and was named 'Cfer' by our daughter, and an adult German Shepherd who loved the outdoors, became our son's con... Read More

X - The X-Factor
Posted On 11/09/2015 20:47:34 by yourchoice
When you hear ‘The X-Factor’ what comes to mind? I wondered if there was a meaning before the now well-known TV Talent Show was aired, so I went to Google. I learned that it is hard to define, but the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary suggests that the meaning refers to  “a ​quality that you cannot ​describe that makes someone very ​special”. I don’t think I had ever heard or read that before.For me, The X-Factor is a “must-see” weekly reality talent TV show. It... Read More

L - London, Lincoln and Licorice
Posted On 09/05/2015 00:25:29 by yourchoice
If you have visited my page in the past, you will have learned that I love to share our travel experiences, and call them “Armchair Travels”. It is what my father loved to do, sharing his travels with other residents in his Seniors' Apartment complex. Here is a “short form” of an Armchair Travels from me. Warning: some of the links are longer than a few minutes.We had never been to London before we learned that my husband had relatives in various locations in England. His father had immi... Read More

A weekend in our "hometown"...
Posted On 06/09/2015 22:47:26 by yourchoice
This past weekend was like "old home week". We travelled to the town where my husband and I met 53 years ago. It is a small prairie town in central Alberta, and whenever we have the opportunity to visit friends there or attend a special event, it feels like we've gone back home. We both had jobs in that town that we enjoyed; Ed was the telephone guy and I was a newly graduated registered nurse in the 19-bed hospital.This past weekend, we attended the annual Show and Shine Car Show, which has bec... Read More

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