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Viewing 81 - 85 out of 97 Blogs.
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Posted On 01/27/2015 13:48:27 by Notgrnyyet
Grandma had a button jar' sitting on her dresser. Every button she could find went in that jar. Any garment that was discarded she cut all the buttons of first and added to her jar. Some of the buttons were very old. There were glass buttons, wooden buttons, pearl buttons, shiny buttons, many color buttons, and just plain white shirt buttons. They made a beautiful display on her dresser and they were important to Grandma. Sometimes she would spruce up one of our garments with a c... Read More

Posted On 01/22/2015 14:55:17 by Notgrnyyet
 When I started first grade Brenda was in the second grade. She was seven month's older and her birthday fell so she could start before me. We both hated it. The morning I started to school Brenda and I were so sure that we could again be together all the time the way we had been all our lives. How wrong we were. We of course were in different rooms and only saw one another at recess. Well I dont know how Brenda made it through the first grade without me I just knew it was a hard time for m... Read More

Posted On 01/22/2015 08:42:19 by Notgrnyyet
  I learned a lot of lessons from a hard experience. Some of them were funny at the time, others were not funny till years later.I decided it was cool to smoke cigarettes in the 7th. Grade. I had dabbled with them before when I was much younger with bad results. This time I thought I was grown up and I wanted to keep up with the 'cool' kids. I was tired of being a square which is what we were called if we had strict parents and wouldn't join in with things we knew were wrong. But heck... Read More

Meet our Spanish-speaking guest!
Posted On 01/20/2015 00:21:43 by yourchoice
We haven't had a pet for a number of years, due to a number of circumstances. In November, we were asked if we would look after our friend's dog for a month. His dad needed to make an international trip to tend to family business, and the people who the son would be staying with could not accommodate the dog due to allergies. How could turn him down?We've had so much fun with Tommy, this 'furry guest' (7 yr. old miniature schnauzer).  He has appointed himself to be our "official" watchdog... Read More

Thanksgiving Story Bracelet
Posted On 11/18/2014 13:07:11 by classylind

I thought this would make a nice blog Thanksgiving Story Bracelet With this bracelet you will know (Start with a pipe cleaner.) The first Thanksgiving that was long, long ago. The Pilgrims set sail from far away On the Mayflower with tall white sails. (Insert a white bead.) They sailed many days across the ocean blue. (Add a blue bead.) The seas were rough, but the ship came through. At last they spotted land so green. (String on a green bead.) They were so happy they cheere... Read More

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