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Viewing 46 - 50 out of 58 Blogs.
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Home is the Nurses’ Residence
Posted On 02/26/2015 23:06:22 by yourchoice
Growing up on a farm without a brother or a sister, entertaining myself with my dog and my horse, it still was a very lonely childhood for me. I had more friends when we moved to the city, but the best experience for me was moving into the Nurses’ Residence. There were 91 girls in my class, and we lived together, worked together, and partied together, and when needed, there was always a shoulder to cry on. It didn’t take very long for us newbies to develop a real ‘sisterhood’.We ate... Read More

Posted On 02/17/2015 16:41:39 by Notgrnyyet
Roy Fay was his name. Most towns have a Roy Fay but very few towns take care of him the way Altus did. From as far as I can remember Roy Fay was a permanent fixture in Altus.
Roy Fay had always been homeless as far as I knew. He lived on the streets of Altus and pilfered food out of the stores garbage. Once he got hold of some spoiled bologna and cheese that Seamans Store had thrown out. Someone found him on the street nea... Read More

Meet our Spanish-speaking guest!
Posted On 01/20/2015 00:21:43 by yourchoice
We haven't had a pet for a number of years, due to a number of circumstances. In November, we were asked if we would look after our friend's dog for a month. His dad needed to make an international trip to tend to family business, and the people who the son would be staying with could not accommodate the dog due to allergies. How could turn him down?We've had so much fun with Tommy, this 'furry guest' (7 yr. old miniature schnauzer).  He has appointed himself to be our "official" watchdog... Read More

Me and my "never to be humble" opinions!
Posted On 01/05/2015 11:06:14 by yourchoice
Here comes my personal "never to be humble" opinions ... still the same as it was in 2014!I don't like talking about the weather because whining and complaining does no good ... it is what it is! I don't need to know who had a muffin and coffee for breakfast (... or dinner!). If I posted what I did or did not have for a particular meal, someone would have something to say about the nutritional content that I put in my body;I hate to be bored or boring. If I am, I hope someone will tell me;I... Read More

It's all about Surprises!
Posted On 11/04/2014 21:31:58 by yourchoice
We received an Evite today from our daughter-in-law, telling us that she is planning a surprise birthday party for her husband... our son! He will be 50 years old in December. My first thought was, "Wait a minute. I'm not old enough to have a 50-year-old son!" But when I counted on my fingers (and toes), I realized that she was right. I AM old enough!It got me thinking about surprise parties that have occurred in our family, and a flood of memories entertained me all afternoon. I don't recall an... Read More

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