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Viewing 51 - 55 out of 58 Blogs.
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Friendship is a treasure ...
Posted On 08/26/2014 00:23:30 by yourchoice
I finally found a bit of time to visit on The Hill, the first since before the weekend. Since the weather had improved from the wet and cold previous week, we travelled to visit my husbands' oldest brother and his wife, who are both in their 90s. Today was a wonderful day in the city ... enjoyed lunch with a nursing classmate who was in Calgary for the day. I'm not sure we absorbed all the stuff we talked about, squeezing in news from the past year. There is something about the 'sister... Read More

Chatting pays off ... sometimes!
Posted On 08/07/2014 17:43:22 by yourchoice

Today has been my day at home before our planned weekend of fun ... at least fun for my hubby. I had to keep my attention on my To-Do List, because even the 'normal' activities here have been neglected. Summers are a busy time and we still have another month to go before the children are back to school.
Our plans for the weekend are to attend the 45th Annual Show and Reunion at Pioneer Acres in Irricana, Alberta. Being that I'm married to a 'tractor man',... Read More

A childs dog.. my Tramp
Posted On 05/24/2014 16:11:21 by oppsgal
Going back in my time machine my first memory takes place Mid-January 1952.  My Dad had suddenly become very ill on New Years Eve, and was rushed to the hospital by the Morning of January 3rd, he was dead. Of Encephalitis, an infection of his brain    There were 3 of us kids.my brother age 12, myself age 5, and little sis age 2.  About a week after the funeral, which I have no memory of, it was snowing hard and very cold, someone knocked on our front door a door we never... Read More

Devastation in our neighbourhood ...
Posted On 04/24/2014 14:08:36 by yourchoice
Sometimes we need to have a dramatic experience in our own backyard, to help us understand (in part) of what other people are going through. We had such an experience this last month, while we were vacationing in Great Britain.

I was having a sleepless night in a hotel in England, so I decided to get comfortable on the sofa in our room with my tablet, and do some reading. I didn't want to wake my husband because we had had a busy day of touring in London. But first ... I wondered if there... Read More

Posted On 01/31/2014 00:51:18 by yourchoice
During the last two week, when I have been dealing with a minor health issue (but staying home out of the cold weather), I’ve had time to myself, without interruptions. I never allow myself to be bored; there is ALWAYS something to do. My voice was hardly above a whisper so chatting on the telephone would have been annoying to my friends. My husband was enjoying the relative silence … he didn’t need to wander out to his shop to escape my continuous chatter (I do take the occasional respite... Read More

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