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Viewing 31 - 35 out of 58 Blogs.
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The Irony of Life
Posted On 07/17/2018 23:37:06 by yourchoice
There are times that a topic for a Blog pops in my mind in the middle of the night when I should be sleeping. That’s what happened a couple of days ago, after a news release in our area, that involved a long time friend of mine. It brought back memories of long ago, and how we’ve kept in touch as much as possible.When I was just four years old, my maternal grandfather gave me a piano and also paid for my first year of piano lessons. My parents were so very pleased with the gift and made ever... Read More

Where Have I Been?
Posted On 06/15/2018 00:44:58 by yourchoice
I’ve been asked several times, “Where are you? Have you left The Hill?” The short answer is ‘NO’! I just went incognito for almost three months, not by choice but by circumstances. Further explanation now would be too complicated and I would risk being scolded for talking too much. If you have read any of the blogs I have written in the A-Z Alphabet Challenge, you will understand what I’m talking about.I am so pleased to see new (to me) bloggers, and I will be back to read them on th... Read More

Y - Yak, Yakima and Yakking! Surprize!
Posted On 03/08/2018 21:08:14 by yourchoice
Little did I know, that when I was first introduced to Yak, I would be explaining it in a Blog, but here I am. Whenever we drive to Washington to visit our daughter and family, we would drive through a small picturesque town in southern British Columbia. We often stopped at the two antique shops there, just in case there was something there that we didn’t know we needed! Several years after our first visit, a school chum of mine (when we both lived on farms), moved with her partner to Yak. Her... Read More

W - Wondering Why, When and Where?
Posted On 02/20/2018 22:16:25 by yourchoice
For those of us who are always trying to learn stuff, we often ask “Why?” We learn in many areas in our lives, and so much of it seems to cause us to ask “Why?” Some of the answers will never come, some will come with an explanation we can’t understand, but often, the answer helps us to learn the “behind the scenes” facts. I started thinking about questions I’ve been asking, and decided to share some of them with my friends. I would be pleased and surprised if I receive a plausib... Read More

K - Kids, Kellogg, and K-Mart
Posted On 09/12/2017 12:00:52 by yourchoice
I wasn’t looking forward to arriving at ‘K’ in this alphabet challenge until last night… in the middle of the night! What do you do when you can’t sleep? I get out of bed so I don’t wake up my hubby, go to my computer (in another room so that I can turn on a light), make myself a cup of coffee and start to read. I do most of my reading on my computer now, books or articles, because the printing is bigger and the page is brighter. Reading tends to make me sleepy, and I often sleep the... Read More

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