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Viewing 56 - 58 out of 58 Blogs.
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UK search
Posted On 11/13/2013 04:58:55 by JAEB
Recently I have been fortunate in that I have been able to add new friends.  Most of mine are in far flung places and it would be interesting to be in touch with others who are based in the UK.  Not that I don't appreciate each and every one of you being in touch with me, but it would be nice to talk to others who are not quite so far away.  (Thanks, Mac - you were ahead of me on this)!  
... Read More

Vintage Cars and Old Friends
Posted On 06/03/2013 23:19:08 by yourchoice
The first weekend in June, we were able to attend the annual Three Hills, Alberta Car Cruise, and it was filled with nostalgia ... Vintage cars and long-time friends. Fifty-two years ago, I started my first 'professional' job in a 19-bed hospital in this town. Two years later, I married my best friend ... and we celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary in May. We still consider Three Hills to be our 'hometown', and any opportunity we have, we visit with friends and check out any changes on M... Read More

Getting older and Losing Friends
Posted On 03/02/2013 23:53:12 by Margaretmonteleone
I certainly do not mean to bring anyone down but I have to get this out or I will cry all night. This past year (actually almost two years) has been, well...less than good. My life changed drastically, but probably for the better; no, definitely for the better, but that is not why I am here tonight. I graduated high school in 1966.  In this past year, I have lost so many of my classmates that it is staggering.  Just two days ago, I received a message from the son of a girl (see? ... Read More

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