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Tag: life

Viewing 46 - 50 out of 64 Blogs.
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It Is All In The Wrist
Posted On 01/30/2020 16:08:20 by texasjane
About a year ago I moved to this tiny town. Little did I know at the time the town had its characters as my grandmother would call them. People with reputations the whole town knew about... everyone but the new comers.I met one such person on my first trip to the local grocery store. I had my buggy and my list. I went up and down each isle at first just to get the lay out of the store. Then I got serious about my shopping. I was concentrating on my list. I was not paying any attention to anyone... Read More

Storms That Frighten Children
Posted On 01/30/2020 03:52:35 by texasjane
A few weeks ago when we had some storms come through here my constant volunteering really caught up with me. There was a family that had moved into town who had 3 children with down syndrome. During the storm we lost power for several hours. I sat here in the dark talking to the dogs and directing my prayers to the ceiling as if I could see it. I said, "ok... now what are we going to do? We have no electronic magic to entertain us so tell me where you need me." I really should work on my prayers... Read More

Ashley and Oscar
Posted On 01/29/2020 02:44:51 by texasjane
Ashley was one of several kittens born to a dying mother. An opossum had killed the mother and was after the kittens. There were 3 beautiful kittens then there was Ashley. I named her Ashley because she was so ugly I wanted her to have something pretty. Ashley was the last of all the kittens and came to be my sleeping buddy. When I gave up my mother's family home and moved to the lake... Ashley went with me. Ashley, besides being a bit of a queen bee, was notorious for helping other animals.&nbs... Read More

Taking The Tired Out of Retired
Posted On 01/29/2020 02:40:33 by texasjane
I have retired twice. I retired from teaching many years ago. Went back to school and became an auditor and designed conveyor systems for a national chain. I took an early retirement from that career. My early days of retirement were busy taking care of my mom, her sister, and my many critters and responsibilities. After my husband, my mother, and her sister passed away I was suddenly left with no one to take care of but me and my remaining animals.I allowed depression and laziness to move in an... Read More

Hamlet and Quack Quack
Posted On 01/28/2020 19:51:22 by texasjane
Hamlet loved playing with my dogs in the yard and even the cats when they were out. But, no one wanted to curl up with him. He was a snuggle bunny in a pigs body.Now, I did have a cat named Tom Thumb because he had too many toes. He loved Hamlet. When ever Tom Thumb was trying to impress one of us he would tease a field mouse into the house. Now, Hamlet was a real mouse catcher. He would kill the mouse and walk away. Tom Thumb would lay by the mouse as if he was the hero. This worked on me a few... Read More

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