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Tag: life

Viewing 56 - 60 out of 64 Blogs.
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Learning to be Content
Posted On 07/12/2019 14:00:42 by yourchoice
We’ve just gone around another of life’s bend in the road. I’ve been a bit scarce on The Hill, but I haven’t really left. Time and energy has been a factor! I’ve been a fan and advocate of NOTH since it first started, and got most of my computer education through the newsletters from TC and EB for many years. I’m not ready to quit yet. It seems that we are at the point in life where we need a general “overhaul”, resulting in becoming on a first name basis with many in the Me... Read More

And time just keeps marching on..
Posted On 06/29/2019 09:23:51 by Margaretmonteleone
I am not sure when I last signed on.  My life has certainly changed since 2011.  I am now living in St Lous, Mo with my younger son and his longtime girlfriend.  I had knee replacement surgery on May 28, 2019 and am in the process of rehabbing my knee.  Right now, I can walk without a cane or walker but I still cannot bend or straighten my knee.  I am going to physical therapy twice a week for 6 weeks to try and get back my mobility.  Before the surgery, I was... Read More

N - Napping is Nearly Normal
Posted On 10/10/2017 21:42:43 by yourchoice
I’ve given myself a bit of a rest from “talking” on the computer. So many things have been “happening” at our home, that when the end of the day is in sight, we catch ourselves napping in front of the TV or my computer. By late evening, after several short naps, I’m ready for a bit of computer time, to answer emails and send a few text messages across the ocean before heading for bed. That’s when I wish that I didn’t take so many naps during the day. It was a beautiful autumn day... Read More

O - Only Oxfords
Posted On 11/18/2016 15:42:07 by yourchoice
It may sound like a silly topic, but I’ve had almost a lifetime association with oxfords, not always by choice. It all began when I was seven years old.Our family lived on a farm, in a beautiful valley near a flowing creek. Being an “only” child, my playmates were my dog, Spot, a coop full of chickens, and when he had time, my dad. He worked hard, maintaining a small herd of cows, and growing and harvesting grain crops. The winter of 1947 is well remembered for the record amount of snow th... Read More

Oct 20PapaGod n Jesus Heart Believe My Love
Posted On 10/20/2016 20:00:55 by rosewriter46
Oct 20 PapaGod n Jesus Heart "Believe My Love For You Above ALL things Beloved" Did I not Come, Live, Die, Aris for you? Yes and ALL things I have done for you are available to you Beloved, Because I gave My very life for you. Will you Believe My Word & My life & Love for you ABOVE ALL else? Yes, I Loved you with My very Life. I laid it down for Love of your Love. Do Not let anything or anyone separate US, or make them God above ME. NOTHING can separate you from My Love for you. Do you B... Read More

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