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Tag: life

Viewing 6 - 10 out of 64 Blogs.
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Getting older isn’t so bad ~
Posted On 04/29/2021 19:04:33 by momtocam
Recently this past week I was out running a few errands in town. Mind you, I usually limit my driving time to somewhere between 9 am and 11:30 am.  As we all know come noon time and the roads become a bit more busier. I picked up a few items at a local store.  At the check out, the clerk asked me if I was 55 or older, *as Wednesdays are Senior citizen day*.  For a moment I froze, but then quickly realized I did in fact, fall under this proverbial category. She then utter... Read More

My Twenty-First
Posted On 04/21/2021 08:10:28 by texasjane
I stopped celebrating birthdays.  Now, I celebrate when I turned forty-nine.  Next Tuesday will my twenty-first anniversary of that day.I look back on many such celebrations.  I think about the anniversaries and the ones I simply called my birthday.  My grandmother celebrated anniversaries for many years.  I think she celebrated turning forty-nine for thirty years.  She called it bicycling backwards.  She would say that age is a scorecard for some, an excuse fo... Read More

The Gift of Friendship and LIFE
Posted On 04/20/2021 09:12:50 by momtocam

April 15...a date on the calendar for most of us, and it’s proverbial reminder that Uncle Sam is around the corner. However, for me, this date now stays etched in my mind forever. For on this date 16 years ago, a very dear friend’s life came to a sudden end. Her life was taken far too soon, yet she gifted me with a gift I now carry on to today.
We met in 1998 at work. We had a lot in common. Our love of our children, family, cooking, telling jokes, and helping others. He... Read More

Is Your Firewood Wet
Posted On 09/04/2020 04:38:27 by DallasCop2566
I was watching a YouTube video in which a woman who was kidnapped and forced to drive the two suspects in her own car which had an image of Jesus pinned to the dash. She was ordered to drive to a very remote area and she presumed she was probably going to be killed by the male involved, the other person involved was a female.As she was ordered to slow down, she pointed to the image of Jesus and asked, "do you two know him, if not you better learn to know him"?The female told her to stop, the fem... Read More

I miss my wife so much
Posted On 08/28/2020 02:06:04 by DallasCop2566
I began my life long career in law enforcement when I was nineteen (19) years old in a small department in a suburb of Oklahoma City.In 1966 after turning twenty one (21) and married for three (3) days I entered active service in the United States Army.  It was a struggle trying to support a wife on the VERY SMALL pay I received and just before graduating from basic training, my wife in a letter informs me she is pregnant.Our journey togeter began in San Antonio, Texas where I trained in th... Read More

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