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Tag: love

Viewing 6 - 10 out of 11 Blogs.
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What will America stand for?
Posted On 02/14/2019 11:41:49 by Swanlady
Yesterday I was leaving the church after a meeting and ran into the nursery children being taken for a stroll around the church in their nine seated buggy. Such beautiful babies waving and smiling and it brought to mind how wonderful that they have a full life ahead of them and the right to be what ever their talents will allow them  to become. But I also realized that not all babies will have that option.Chose Life has been my cry for years. Now I find my self praying for unknown babies ye... Read More

Learning To Dance In The Rain ~
Posted On 12/29/2018 14:53:53 by LeatherNLace

As most of you know, dancing has always been my love, my passion. But a few years ago, dancing became a thing of the past, when I fell and broke my back in 3 places. I was told I would be in a wheelchair the rest of my life,,,but I beat the odds and CAN walk. It took a lot of work, strength and encouragement from my family and friends, but I can and do walk. Yes, there are times I need a cane, but I can even get up and dance a few steps...No, not like I used too; but that'... Read More

Oct 20PapaGod n Jesus Heart Believe My Love
Posted On 10/20/2016 20:00:55 by rosewriter46
Oct 20 PapaGod n Jesus Heart "Believe My love For You Above ALL things Beloved" Did I not Come, Live, Die, Aris for you? Yes and ALL things I have done for you are available to you Beloved, Because I gave My very Life for you. Will you Believe My Word & My Life & love for you ABOVE ALL else? Yes, I Loved you with My very Life. I laid it down for love of your Love. Do Not let anything or anyone separate US, or make them God above ME. NOTHING can separate you from My love for you. Do you B... Read More

Posted On 06/21/2014 18:21:58 by Notgrnyyet

Recalling things takes a lot out of me these days because my memory is not as good as it was. Remembering also puts so much back in to my life that the effort is well worth it. Sitting down and trying to remember a specific thing is impossible almost. It is smells, colors, words, people and so many things that trigger a memory. Sometimes the memory is so fleeting it is gone in a few seconds but sometimes it starts so many things to roll through my mind that is is staggering. I hope... Read More

Posted On 03/04/2014 16:43:21 by Notgrnyyet

Recalling things takes a lot out of me these days because my memory is not as good as it was. Remembering also puts so much back in to my life that the effort is well worth it. Sitting down and trying to remember a specific thing is impossible almost. It is smells, colors, words, people and so many things that trigger a memory. Sometimes the memory is so fleeting it is gone in a few seconds but sometimes it starts so many things to roll through my mind that is is staggering. I hope my memory... Read More

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