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Tag: nature

Viewing 6 - 10 out of 11 Blogs.
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T... Is for TRAVEL
Posted On 10/24/2015 01:09:26 by yourchoice
I'm finally back in "my groove", after a wonderful autumn road trip. Being that my next A to Z Challenge letter is 'T', I decided to share a bit of our TRAVEL experience on Vancouver Island. We first visitied the area on our honeymoon, only 53 years ago, and had returned once until this trip. Our granddaughter is attending U of Vic, so we were able to spend a couple of days with her. The gardens were in full autumn splendor, and with all the walking I did with our granddaughter, I can say that m... Read More

The Scarecrow
Posted On 01/20/2015 17:21:53 by BreeWolfe
The Scarecrow

I have a lady scarecrow in my flower garden. The only thing she has ever scared is my little puppy, Bicuit. Probably because she's a pretty scarecrow with a big smile :-) Everyday when I leave in my car or on a walk she's there with that big smile and when I come back she welcomes me with that same smile. She has weathered the hot summers and cold winters, storms,and cats. Today I found her laying on the ground. The wooden pole that holds her up was broken. When I picked he... Read More

For The Birds
Posted On 09/22/2014 23:05:18 by BreeWolfe
I have a a Grand Oak in my back yard, the neighbors have one in their front yard. By my front door I have a small fir tree in a big pot. A little gray bird has built a nest in the small tree. She comes and goes, flying right pass my front door and window. I'm careful to be quiet when I walk past her nest. My yard needs mowing but, it will have to wait. There are so many large trees around and all sorts of birds coming and going, sea birds from the gulf, hawks, etc. Maybe she made her nest in the... Read More

SUMMER … and Family moments!
Posted On 07/29/2014 22:02:30 by yourchoice
We have returned home after a wonderful three-day respite in the mountains. We don’t swim, water ski, boogy-board, or hike, but we enjoyed the wonders of creation ... high majestic mountains, rushing clear-water streams, fresh locally- grown fruit, and the silence where we parked the boat in a secluded cove. Best of all … we had the rare opportunity of having our entire family together … our son and daughter with their families. For Ed and I, to have all five grandchildren together at the... Read More

Nature came calling today ... I wasn't pleased!
Posted On 07/14/2014 04:51:13 by yourchoice
For those who have learned a bit about me from my page, and/or my "talking" here on The Hill, you will know that I am NOT a gardener. I no longer even pretend that I like to garden. We have so many deer in our neighborhood, and I refuse to grow anything (except rhubarb, which they don't fancy) that will produce a delicious snack for them. There are enough hay fields in our area so they can't be THAT hungry. We now have silk flower in the pots on our front and back patios, which they leave alone.... Read More

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