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BLOGS: A blog, simply put, is something you have written, or written about.

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Viewing 46 - 50 out of 95 Blogs.
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my 5 minute day blog
Posted On 01/16/2017 20:12:37 by Floydyisms
Ive never blogged..but thought why not? I do keep a journal so not a whole lot of difference..My 5 minute day blog is going to be exactly that..I will for 5 minutes post what my day has been..9:07Awesome day! work was great, my businesses are moving along and God has a handle on it all.I just got home from a mens study group, not what your prolly thinking cause this mens group is to me in a word...real...we talk about real life stuff, taking off the mask we put on everyday and let it out, tonigh... Read More

P - People, Presents and a Potluck Party
Posted On 01/09/2017 05:26:50 by yourchoice
Christmas has come and gone, and hopefully all of you have a fresh stash of pleasant memories. Hopefully, there will be more time for “computer fun” now. I am continuing on my personal A-Z Blog Challenge with this episode.We all have our particular traditions of celebration, and 2016 Christmas took on a new form for us. Our celebrations continued for more than two weeks, and we enjoyed every minute of it, starting with the arrival of two families, relatives of my husband, from northern Engla... Read More

Your Compassionate Heart, Papa
Posted On 10/29/2016 13:32:11 by rosewriter46
Oct 28 “Your Compassionate Heart, Papa” Papa it was a kinda trying day in some respects today. Thank You for “being here” for me and making all things work together for good like You always do. You are Faithful. I have a thankful heart tonight for You Papa. You are my shoulder to cry on, to lean on, to sustain me, to be my shelter in storms, my rock in a weary land. When some cause hurt, You bring another alongside to comfort with kindness. You see my tears, You see my smiles. You are so... Read More

Be Joyfully Confident as My Own Daughter
Posted On 10/29/2016 13:27:00 by rosewriter46
Oct 29 PapaGod n Jesus Heart Be Joyfully Confident as My Own Daughter--Walk Boldly with ME in you, Beloved" Yes, I AM the Great I AM. I have bought you with a price of My Precious Blood. My Spirit, Word and Blood are IN you Beloved as you Believe. You only have to Believe in My Love Sacrifice and Infilling. Abide/Rest in My Love. Have I not given you the seasons? Have I not give you fall to rest in All things I have done for you? Winter as a time of Hopeful Rest and Expectation? Spring as a Time... Read More

K - Kilometer and Kilograms
Posted On 10/01/2016 21:57:23 by yourchoice
I enjoyed writing blogs on NOTH some months ago, but circumstances this summer limited me to short visits on The Hill, and any other place on my computer. I guess I needed to be reminded that there are times when life circumstances, not involving computers, need to be moved to the top of our “priority” list. Members who have followed the A-Z Blog Challenge, may remember that I was working on the second round of the challenge. I must admit that the letter ‘K’ was a challenge the first tim... Read More

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