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Viewing 51 - 55 out of 95 Blogs.
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My Jacobsen Story
Posted On 06/12/2016 23:10:18 by yourchoice
You may have heard the name before, especially if you have visited my page, but I had a unique and wonderful opportunity to join a group of people last week, in a “Conversation Group” with one of my favorite authors. His name is Wayne Jacobsen, and his home is in California. Being that we live “up north”, in the land of “snow and oil”, as the media like to refer, I never considered it to be a possibility to meet him in person.Some years ago, Wayne was a pastor of a mega city church,... Read More

Back on THE HILL!
Posted On 05/27/2016 23:41:04 by yourchoice
It’s about time that I get my act together and get back to my friends on The Hill. It has been a busy year for me, often events that didn’t include my fun times on here on with my friends, new ones and long-time friends. Some things were medical related, and I’m back to my normal, which I am thankful for. Other activities were much more fun. I was given the responsibility to organize activities for the Reunion of my nursing class. We would be celebrating the 55th Anniversary of our gradua... Read More

J - Meet Janet, John and Jose!
Posted On 02/23/2016 23:50:37 by yourchoice
Back to my personal “second-time around” A - Z Blog Challenge! For those of you who have visited my page, and the other one it is linked to, will know of some of my favorite things. The three people I want to introduce, certainly fit in one of my favorite categories. Janet Paschal is most often considered to be an inspirational and southern gospel singer, and has become a regular on the Gaither Homecoming Concert Series. For years, I have been a fan of Bill Gaither, and when the southern gos... Read More

Blog - I Installing the Internet
Posted On 01/22/2016 00:40:40 by yourchoice
It has been quite a week, just in time for my next blog in my second round of the A to Z Blog Challenge. Most of my friends know that we live in a rural area, and we lack some of the “amenities” of those living in the city. Our Internet service has been slower than slow, but in spite of that fact, the company has insisted for years that 0.02 to 2.1 ghrz download speed is average, and worthy of their charges for “high-speed” Internet service. They will not upgrade any equipment until ther... Read More

V - Shopping at Value Village!
Posted On 10/30/2015 23:20:11 by yourchoice
My husband is hard on clothes when he is working in his shop, especially when he was working on his vintage John Deere tractor. Cleaning out old grease, sand blasting old paint, welding, and whatever else he could think of doing would wreck his clothes, so he would go to Value Village for more pants and shirts, and a jacket to wear when it was cold. While he was doing his shopping, I would stay in the van and read. I had no interest in “browsing” through rows of used stuff. on one occasion,... Read More

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