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Viewing 56 - 60 out of 95 Blogs.
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F - Frank, Fernando, and the Flex
Posted On 08/19/2015 12:45:28 by yourchoice
I’m sure you are wondering why I have selected these three ‘F’ words for my next A-Z challenge. It may surprise you. Recently, a well-known sports figure has left this world. I have never said that I am a sports fan, but I manage to watch the final series games of hockey (our local team is the Calgary Flames), and Canadian football (our local team is the Calgary Stampeders). There is a Canadian Major Baseball team, the Bluejays, but they never play in Western Canada, so I muster some enth... Read More

It's all about the money...
Posted On 05/07/2015 22:35:07 by yourchoice
I had great intentions to try to write a blog every week. Words are my 'thing' here on The Hill, and I have had very kind responses to my blogs and in private messages! But life got in the way of me having fun on The Hill, so I had to 'disappear' for a bit. My health is good, both of my hands are working well, but I had to be reminded AGAIN, that not all of my activities are somehow connected to my computer. Sigh! The details are boring but I'm going to try again. Today, I'm not going to te... Read More

Posted On 04/22/2015 13:33:55 by mort
Just to let you know that i am still around...My blog will not be lke the ones that i read so far..wow,,,some of you are great with words....I am just about to take off for Costco and over buy food that comes in their package of ten to a pack. I always come home with food,,,but whay more than i really needed....but the paper products do last me and so does the detergent....so,  that is a good thing...Of course you know that I live in Puerto Rico and hope you know where this is....and that i... Read More

Our First Classes and Hospital Duties
Posted On 02/22/2015 01:03:02 by yourchoice
Because our Nursing School was part of the hospital, we attended classes for only six weeks before being assigned to a General Medicine ward in the hospital. What could we do on the wards for four hours with the knowledge we gained in six weeks?  Even though we had been assured that we wouldn’t be expected to do anything that had not been addressed in class, it was still a scary experience. After attending morning report from the night staff, we met with the head nurse who gave us our ass... Read More

Posted On 02/17/2015 16:41:39 by Notgrnyyet
Roy Fay was his name. Most towns have a Roy Fay but very few towns take care of him the way Altus did. From as far as I can remember Roy Fay was a permanent fixture in Altus.
Roy Fay had always been homeless as far as I knew. He lived on the streets of Altus and pilfered food out of the stores garbage. Once he got hold of some spoiled bologna and cheese that Seamans Store had thrown out. Someone found him on the street nea... Read More

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