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Viewing 61 - 65 out of 95 Blogs.
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Posted On 01/27/2015 13:48:27 by Notgrnyyet
Grandma had a button jar' sitting on her dresser. Every button she could find went in that jar. Any garment that was discarded she cut all the buttons of first and added to her jar. Some of the buttons were very old. There were glass buttons, wooden buttons, pearl buttons, shiny buttons, many color buttons, and just plain white shirt buttons. They made a beautiful display on her dresser and they were important to Grandma. Sometimes she would spruce up one of our garments with a c... Read More

Posted On 01/27/2015 12:28:41 by Notgrnyyet

As I look out my kitchen window across the field there are trees and a fence. There is a small outbuilding of some kind there also and it looks for all the world like the view from our back porch when I was a child. That view was the big persimmon tree where Brenda and I played, ate green persimmons, made a fort of saplings underneath it. We spent many a d... Read More

Posted On 01/22/2015 08:50:17 by Notgrnyyet
Mama cut up chicken on the counter of the little old fashioned cabinet. She washed it down good with her dishrag dried it off and proceeded to roll out pie crust or biscuits, no bleach, but we didn't seem to be sick.
We all took Gym class and risked permanent injury with a pair of high top tennis shoes instead of having cross-training athletic shoes with air cushion soles and built in light reflectors that cost as much as a small car. I can't recall any injuries but they... Read More

Me and my "never to be humble" opinions!
Posted On 01/05/2015 11:06:14 by yourchoice
Here comes my personal "never to be humble" opinions ... still the same as it was in 2014!I don't like talking about the weather because whining and complaining does no good ... it is what it is! I don't need to know who had a muffin and coffee for breakfast (... or dinner!). If I posted what I did or did not have for a particular meal, someone would have something to say about the nutritional content that I put in my body;I hate to be bored or boring. If I am, I hope someone will tell me;I... Read More

A note from an only child...
Posted On 12/07/2014 00:34:05 by yourchoice
I never liked being an only child! It was lonely, living on a farm. Our closest neighbors were about three miles from us, a mother and her four sons. Those boys were no fun; all of them were much older than me. I would beg for a brother or sister, promising that I would never fight with them, not realizing how how naive that was!My constant companion, when I was able to be outside, was my dog Spot. He was kind of a “common variety” black and white dog, large enough for me to ride around the... Read More

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